Saturday, November 30, 2019
Nevaeh free essay sample
My niece Nevaeh is the most important person in my life. She brightens my day when it’s at it’s worst. She also knows how to put a smile on my face. Nevaeh I was the last one to find out. it was a sunday night and Isaac (my sister’s husband) and his parents came over for dinner and i remember watching t.v. when i heard â€Å"What are we gonna do about the baby?†and a big smile came to my face. The pregnancy was a long one, especially for me since i wanted the baby to come out already. i remember one time hitting my sisters stomach (on accident). My sister was watching t.v. and she didn’t want to cough up the remote; i took it from her and she came running at me like a wild boar i stuck my leg out in defense and it hit her in her in her stomach â€Å"DON’T KICK ME IN MY STOMACH!†and she takes the remote and throws it at me. We will write a custom essay sample on Nevaeh or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Time passes and then came the cramps and pains and finally time f or baby Nevaeh, waiting in the hospital was the longest moment of my life but the wait was well worth it. It was room 128 (i think) i waited outside with Steph and Homer; Homers grandma brings the Nevaeh and we get to see her for the first time. There she was wrapped in a blanket with a beanie and her jet black hair sticking out of it. Then at about 2 months it came time for them to head out to college. Great!, not really. i didn’t want them to leave, i wanted them to stay really bad, but they had to go. When it finally left to North Dakota it wasn’t until then that i really realized how much i cared for her. Luckily now they go to college in Boise and i get to see them more often. I love my niece Nevaeh and nothing is ever gonna change that.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Leave out the Latin - Emphasis
Leave out the Latin Leave out the Latin One of our members of staff recently phoned his GP practice and asked to see a specific doctor. Sorry, he only comes in pro re nata, the receptionist told him. It wasnt until hed put the phone down and looked up the phrase that he knew for sure what she had meant, writes Cathy Relf. It would be considered crass and more than a little odd for a native English speaker speaking to another native English speaker to switch to another language mid-sentence. So why do some people think its acceptable to do so with Latin? To be effective, writing needs to be clear and accessible. It shouldnt confuse the reader or require them to reach for a dictionary. In fact, when someone has to look away for long enough to look up a word, they may never return. Only a minority of native English speakers have any formal knowledge of Latin. In the UK in 2011, just 9,650 pupils out of a total of 5.15 million took a Latin GCSE. Thats less than two per cent. Admittedly, that proportion was slightly higher when your average businessperson was at school, but the fact remains that the moment you slip in a line of Latin, or even over-pepper a sentence with post, ad hoc and per se, whether its apropos (appropriate) or not, you risk alienating the majority of your readership. There are some professions medicine and law, for example where Latin is a crucial part of the language (although lawyer Wayne Schiess makes a good case against using unnecessary Latin in legal writing). But outside of those professions, there are few cases where using an expression that your readers may not understand would be better than writing it in plain English. This isnt to say theres anything wrong with studying or taking an interest in Latin after all, much of our language is based on it. And its fine to use commonly understood abbreviations such as eg, ie, etc, if theyre genuinely more appropriate than for example, that is, and and so on. Just make sure you use them correctly. Latin on the loose Weve rounded up five examples of Latin obstructing meaning, below. If youre not familiar with the Latin terms, hover over them for a rough translation, or click to see the full definition. Heres Kathy Gyngell blogging for the Daily Mail: This is what the Bishops amendment to exclude child benefit from Iain Duncan Smiths benefit cap plan, inter alia, endorses the continuation of entitlement. A paper from the Social Development Agency: This Vademecum is intended as a handy reference guide to using budget heading on information, consultation and participation of representatives within undertakings. A article on the rules of cooking: While there are certainly still subjective and somewhat impenetrable qualities to ones cuisine de gustibus non est disputandum there is an increasing rigor in the kitchen. An article on robo-cars: And given the Supreme Courts recent ruling on police use of GPS, even when tracking criminals, the idea that more technology in the car leads ipso facto to more government control is questionable. And, making a case for the teaching of Latin in schools, Boris Johnson writing in the Telegraph: Suppose you are captured by cannibals in the Mato Grosso, and you find a scrap of Portuguese newspaper in your hut revealing that there is about to be an eclipse; and suppose that by successfully prophesying this event you convince your captors that you are a god and secure your release I reckon you would be thankful for your Latin, eh? And even if you reject any such practical advantages (and, experto crede, they are huge), I dont care, because they are not the point. How many of them could you follow, without checking the definitions? With the possible exception of Boris Johnson, whose Latin is at least relevant to the subject in hand, these are all quite bizarre language choices. In the first case, among other things would have been a much better and clearer expression than inter alia. In the second, the use of Vademecum (or vade mecum, as it is more commonly spelt) alongside handy reference guide is tautologous. It essentially says this handy reference guide is intended as a handy reference guide. In the third, what purpose could there be for writing in Latin, other than for the writer to show that he can? And in the fourth, the ipso facto is unnecessary if any clarification is needed, automatically or directly would do fine. The case against While studying Latin is admirable, using it in everyday language isnt. Not only does it sound pompous and offputting, it obstructs communication. Even Boris doesnt make an argument for actually using it, merely for knowing it in case of encounters with cannibals who cant read newspapers. When writing, always keep your readers at the front of your mind. What do they need to know, and how can you best communicate it? If the answer to the second question is in Latin, then by all means go ahead but those occasions are, we suspect, rare. Wed love to hear your thoughts. Have you spotted some Latin on the loose? Can you defend any of the above examples? Do you have a particular phrase that youre fond of dropping into writing? Leave us a comment below.
Friday, November 22, 2019
How to use LinkedIn to get a job
How to use LinkedIn to get a job LinkedIn has positioned itself as end end-all social media portal for your career. It has professional development resources, helpful articles, and- most importantly- the connections and job postings to put you in your next job. But if you’re looking to use it for a very specific purpose, finding your next job, then it can be a little overwhelming. Let’s walk through some of the strategies you need to cut through the noise and use LinkedIn to score your next gig.Understand what LinkedIn does (and doesn’t do)Not all social media is the same, which means it shouldn’t occupy the same space in your job search. Twitter and Facebook are great for content sharing (also funny pet videos), but not necessarily great for the level of nitty-gritty info you want and need to bump up your job hunt. Studies have found that about 75% of LinkedIn users are there primarily for research- about companies, about people, about job openings. If you want to know what a companyâ₠¬â„¢s overall brand looks like, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook is fine. If you want to get real information about the company that you can use to find your next job, think of LinkedIn as your research assistant. You can use it to get targeted information to take with you into informational meetings you set up with new (or existing) connections, or come up with detailed, insightful questions to ask in an interview.Keep your content currentThis may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be amazed how many people update their LinkedIn profiles once in a while and let them just languish. It happens to all of us. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is completely up-to-date, and that you’re refining it often. Think of this as your living resume.Check your settingsLinkedIn’s â€Å"Open Candidate†settings (found in our account preferences) let you signal to recruiters and companies that you’re open to new opportunities- even if you’re looking on the DL. If you have this setting enabled, you can specify what types of recruitment you’re open to receiving without having to put â€Å"hey, I’m looking for a new job!†on your public profile.Make your profile stand outYour headline is going to be the first thing people see when they click through to your profile. Make sure it’s a strong one that simply, concisely explains your brand: â€Å"Customer support specialist, fixing the world one solved problem at a time†is a good example. It shows off your job title, some key words, and a bit of flair to grab the reader’s interest. Having a flattering, clear profile picture is helpful as well. But remember- always use a work-appropriate headshot.Avoid looking like a seekerSounds counterintuitive, right? You are using the site to seek a new job. But if you use words like â€Å"job seeker†or â€Å"looking for†in your profile, it can come off as a little needy or desperate. Instead of broadca sting what you want, broadcast who you are and your professional brand.Target specific companiesJust about every company these days has a presence on LinkedIn. Start following the company- its content, news about them, any information you can find on the site. That way, when opportunities do open up you’ll likely already be in the loop, and able to jump on it right away.Leverage your connectionsOne of LinkedIn’s strongest points is how it brings the word-of-mouth network into the digital realm. It also lets you see who your connections are connected to, several degrees down the line. Use this data to help visualize how your network connects to someone at the company where you want to work, or someone who can get you an introduction.Don’t be afraid to reach outYour LinkedIn experience can be very passive (people come to me) or very active (I reach out to people who can help me achieve my next career goal). Take advantage of the best thing about LinkedIn- the real -time connections to people all over the world. You have nothing to lose by dropping a note in the inbox of someone you’d like to â€Å"meet†to discuss your industry, their company, etc.LinkedIn can be a great asset to your job hunt when you give it your care and attention. When you put the time in to refine your profile and start engaging with others on the site, it can yield career-changing results.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Adolescence and Adulthood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Adolescence and Adulthood - Essay Example This and several other changes like this were quite expected because these changes do appear in the onset of puberty in males. Though, one of the changes was quite displeasing and I wondered if it so happened with every male child my age. I began to grow my chest and the areola peaked up until they began to peep out through my T shirts. The condition was extremely embarrassing and it made me suffer a lot, particularly in the school when I used to be among my friends. They would point fingers at me and call me â€Å"fag†. They did not realize that I had not voluntarily grown my breast and that there was nothing I could do to make it look any better. In order to escape the embarrassment, I would put on three vests under my T shirt, so that the overall look would be quite flabby and the nipples would not be able to define themselves as a separate entity among other body features. In addition to that, I would try not to make too much public appearance. I stopped going out to the p layground in the breaks, and would spend the whole day sitting in my chair. I became very shy, nervous, and conscious about the way I looked. 2. What peer pressure did you face? Having acquired gynecomastia, I had to face a lot of peer pressure. They made fun of me. They used to point fingers at my chest and would often, squeeze my nipple while walking past me.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Organisational Behaviour Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1
Organisational Behaviour - Research Paper Example It is difficult for any workplace to be without stereotypes. This is because the nature of a workplace has an evaluation aspect, and stereotypes are responses to evaluation (Kray & Shirako 2009). The generalisations arising from stereotyping are usually done to make the decision making process easier, and are not deliberate attempts to make others feel incompetent. Stereotyping thus reduces the effectiveness of organisations. Correct organisational behaviour practices minimize the negative effects of stereotyping in the workplace. The purpose of organisational behaviour, as a field of study, is to make the organisations work with more effectiveness (Robbins & Judge 2013). This research paper will discuss the effects, evidence and applications of stereotyping based on the grouping of age. The issue of age in the workplace is an important aspect for at least three reasons. One, there is a perception in most cultures that the productivity of a person decreases with increasing age. Two, the workforce is aging in many developed countries including Australia, UK and USA. And three, many countries are increasing the retirement age, or completely doing away with the concept of retirement age. The influence of negative stereotype can affect ones performance at work. A case reported by Roberson & Kulik (2007, p.26) describes a situation where older workers have mastered ‘the look’ when they are introduced to persons who feel that they are too old to do work. A fifty seven year old accountant will conclude that a person finds him to be incompetent because of his age with comments such as ‘you had such a young voice on the phone’. A comment similar to the one describe can be concluded to mean that the commenter would have preferred (and was expecting) a younger accountant for one reason or the other. Desmette and Gaillard (2008) report that older workers
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Article Review of Organizational Culture Essay Example for Free
Article Review of Organizational Culture Essay It was not expected that the hierarchical model would be dominant given the previous attempt to change the culture. The altruistic values of those surveyed indicated they are committed to social development and public interests and are most comfortable with a hierarchical dominate culture. The sample size of 530 participants obtained from the Public Sector Directory was an adequate size. All of the executives in the directory were included in the survey, which suggests a less than random selection process for the final candidates. However, the six varied departments selected represented central coordination, infrastructure provision and social services. Although an almost two to one ratio of male to female employee responses were utilized, none of the demographic variables collected in section C of the three part survey affected the perceptions of the current culture. Sections A and B of the survey gathered information on character, managers, cohesion, emphases and rewards. Results indicated that Departments A – D preferred the internal process or group culture. Department E preferred the internal process model, but it was equally comfortable with rational goal model indicating goal fulfillment was a requirement. Department F results indicated a comfort level with the rational goal model most likely due to their interactive responsibilities with other departments. Forcing change from a formalized, rules and rewards based culture to a more flexible, decentralized culture could create individual-organization value conflict resulting in stress. Of the population surveyed only 191, 36%, was usable and the male respondents outnumbered the female respondents nearly 3 to 1. The survey, divided into three sections dealing with perceptions of the current culture, respondent ideal culture, and demographic information. The survey reviled 4 out of 6 public sector departments in the study held to the traditional model. The findings also suggest organizational culture is driven at the non-managerial employee level and the deeply embedded cultural values can’t be forced any form of management. The article mentions the constant state of transition is the Queensland government over a twenty year period; employees may value the stability and predictability of the traditional bureaucratic model. Base on the research and finding in the article, culture change must target the organization at the non-managerial level in order for the culture change to be effective. In order for Queensland traditionally bureaucratic organizations to embrace high performing teams, the change must address the needs of the driving force of the traditional model culture; the non-managerial employees. In forming high performing teams for the Queensland public sector, it is important to investigate the factors/components of those teams. Also, because most teams are unique in their goals and focus, there is no off the shelf solution for all teams (Davenport, 2001) and that there is no singular, uniform measure of performance effectiveness for groups (Guzzo and Dickson, 1996. p. 309). By creating a customized plan for transitioning, Queensland public sector can move from a control hierarchical organizational culture to a culture of change, flexibility, and productivity. The Queensland public sector was managed for so many decades using the top down management that the culture of the organizations productivity depended on it. The results of the study can be supported by the need for stability which can only be changed by small adjustment to small changes (Bhide 2010). The culture of the organization is controlled by political authority, so it was not surprising that a hierarchical process model was so deeply rooted in to the essence of the government employees who understood the leadership values (Goodwin and Neck, 1998). Organizations lack of understanding of their members caused employees to be less adaptable to change, and with that less productive. Employees will move to do only their specific functions and only respond to the tasks directed by their manager, which is contradicting to the desired results of flexibility, and supports the article results (Miller S 2009). â€Å"Beyond top-down and bottom-up work redesign†, explains â€Å"Authority is traditionally conceptualized as hierarchical†, but the informal authority operates day to day work of organizations. This proved to be true for the Queensland public sector with few exceptions such as a high commitment to the rules and the attention to details. These changes have also been achieved on a federal level with similar setbacks who still managed to overcome the existing dominant culture (189). Just because the organization is not dominated by the â€Å"new managerialist thinking†as stated in â€Å"Organisational culture in the public sector†article, Sting and Loch explain that this does not mean that there is not a need for a â€Å"bottom-up participation†which was part of the work environment before the values of the employees were, in a way, forced to be changed for unexplained reasons to them. As a result of such, this did cause setbacks in the cultural change that was attempted. Changing the value of a large group of people within the company is next to impossible when it’s so closely tied to their private beliefs such as the members of the Queensland public sector. In order to move from a hierarchical process model of an organization to a more flexible and change oriented one, organizations must first understand their employees preferred organizational structure, and then create a corporate culture which employees can slowly get accustom to. In the case of six organizations in the Queensland public sector, the transformation required a culture change from the â€Å"Mechanistic†to ‘Organic†organizational structure and this should have been done very slowly only after understanding the values of those involved. One easy way to get this information is to have employees perform a self-assessment. Because â€Å"a corporate culture is influenced by the industry in which the organization operates†, outside factors such as political control have to be considered in a path taken to change employees assumptions, values, and artifacts (McGraw-Hill Companies, 2002-2009). Before an organization can move from a hierarchical process to a more flexible one employees must understand the benefits of shifting their culture from â€Å"control†to â€Å"performance†, where their input is valued. Through our research and critical analysis of the six organizations in the Queensland public sector, it is evident to us that the paradigm public organizations are functioning in will not change easily. Though the employees have to be able to accept change and shift, employers must understand that the need to create an environment that fosters a corporate cultural environment is vital. Change is inevitable but a positive response to the change is not. Without the strategic planning of organizational leaders, we will continue to see results like we saw with the six organizations in Queensland; the entire organization has to be a part of the implementation, intimately, in order for it to be effective. Unfortunately, when employees of any organization settle for the â€Å"norm,†they will not only resist change but they will fear it.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Vengeance and Forgiveness in Shakespeares The Tempest Essay -- Tempes
Vengeance and Forgiveness in Shakespeare's The Tempest There are many elements in Shakespeare's play, The Tempest, which one cannot reconcile with the real world. The main theme in The Tempest is illusion, and the main focus is the experiment by Prospero. The Tempest, it is clear, features an experiment by Prospero. He has not brought the Europeans to the vicinity of the island, but when they do come close to it, he has, through the power of illusion, lured them into his very special realm. The experiment first of all breaks up their social solidarity, for they land in different groups: Ferdinand by himself, the court group, Stephano and Trinculo by themselves, and the sailors remain asleep. The magic leads them by separate paths until they all meet in the circle drawn by Prospero in front of his cave. There he removes the spell of the illusions; the human family recognizes each other, and together they resolve to return to Italy, leaving behind the powers of the magic associated with the island. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Before considering the purpose of Prospero's experiment, we should note how central to all his magic Ariel is. And Ariel is not human but a magical spirit who has been released from natural bondage (being riven up in a tree) by Prospero's book learning. The earlier inhabitants of the island, Sycorax and Caliban, had no sense of how to use Ariel, and so they simply imprisoned him in the world which governs them, raw nature. Prospero's power depends, in large part, on Ariel's release and willing service. In that sense, Ariel can be seen as some imaginative power which makes the effects of the theatre (like lightning in the masts of the boat) possible. One of the great attractions of this view of the play as a celeb... ... vengeance. (5.1. 18-28) Here, the imaginative sympathy for the sufferings of others leads to an active intervention based upon "virtue" rather than "vengeance." This is a key recognition in the play: virtue expressed in forgiveness is a higher human attribute than vengeance. And in the conclusion of the play, Prospero does not even mention the list of crimes against him. He simply offers to forgive and accept what has happened to him, in a spirit of reconciliation. Unlike other Shakespeare plays, the ending of The Tempest requires neither the death nor the punishment of any of the parties. Works Cited and Consulted: Gervinus, G.G. "The Tempest." The Shakespeare Criticism Volume 8. Gale Research Inc., Detroit. 1989: 304-307. Shakespeare, William. The Tempest. The Norton Shakespeare. Ed. Greenblatt, Stephen. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Inc., 1997.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Delamere Vineyard
Delamere Vineyard struggles to generate a consistent net income during the company’s quest for quality wine. Richard Richardson, owner, manager, and winemaker is concerned about the long term future of Delamere Vineyard. GOALS/OBJECTIVES: Develop the highest quality of Wine Richardson has been known for developing great wine and is constantly looking for ways to improve the overall quality. In 1994, customers even stated that his Reserve Pinot Noir was amazing and far superior to their competition.Richardson currently believes in three potential improvements exist and I have outlined his potential projects (highlight below). Option 1: Prevent Excessive Oxidation (Determine optimum SO2, level) a. )Potential Benefit: Prevent oxidation; improve the consistency and â€Å"fruitiness†b. )Risk: Decrease complexity c. ) Capital Expenditure: Zero dollars d. )Production: 10%-30% scrap This option would allow Richardson to produce a consistent wine on a year to year basis. Wine t hat uses SO2 will still command a high price and sell very well on the market. Less risk can be associated with this method as well.On the downside, by producing wine using SO2 you tend to reduce the individual character of the wine. Initially Richardson will risk the chance of losing some of his harvests; given Richardson previous chemistry back ground, he should be able to develop a formula faster than others. Option 2: Deepen Red Wine Color (Implement Rotofermenter) a. )Potential Benefit: Improve customer reception; 10% price increase b. )Risk: Altered taste c. ) Capital Expenditure: Rotofermenter $30,000 d. )Production: 10% Richardson has stated that customer’s traveling to his region and surrounding markets prefer wine with darker color. By using the rotofermenter,Richardson will be able to create a darker wine, which he believes will increase his retail by up to 10%. Based on Richardson’s revenue from 1997 this method would generate an additional $24,391. 80 in s ales. This option does raise the risk of potential oxidation, which in the past has plagued Richardson. The rotofermenter also has a chance of altering the taste the wine. The cost for introducing the rotofermenter is $30,000. Option 3: Optimum Fermentation Mix (Whole bunch; Destem: Full Crush) a. )Potential Benefit: Greater complexity, â€Å"character†b. )Risk: Customers may reject c. ) Capital Expenditure: New fermentation tank . )Production: 20%-40% This method has the potential to produce amazing wine that could sell at a much higher retail. The final product will not be similar to Richardson’s competition base and could potentially give him the edge in pinot noir sales; adding complexity to ever bottle. However, the taste and quality will vary from barrel to barrel. Lots of risks are associated with this process. This method would require that the grapes are handpicked and also smashed by feet which would increase labor costs. Consistency would be the largest pro blem and could potentially lead to decreased customer satisfaction.Close to 88% of Delamere’s customer base tends to purchase’s wine based on consistency and price, rather than the complexity and character. Delamere's current customer base is comprised of 58% cellar door purchases, 37% wholesale purchases and 4% to Mail order purchases. The chart below outlines the percentages of business for Delamere Vineyard. Delamere Vineyard % of sales 1997 Delamere Pinot NoirReserve Pinot NoirDry RedChardonnay Dollars$179,424. 00$32,671. 00$31,823. 00$36,118. 00$280,036. 00 Avg. $ per bottle12. 7516. 85810. 2 Bottles Sold 1407219393978354123530 % of Business64. 7%11. 67%11. 36%12. 90% Delamere Vineyard does have small percentage of his customer’s that prefer the complexity and unusual character of Richardson’s Reserve label. However, this particular customer accounts for merely 12% of their total wine business. During Richardson’s 12 years of winemaking the sp ecter of oxidation has reared its ugly head several times. In 1993, Richardson lost his entire vintage stock of chardonnay and in 1994 his pinot noir which was considered by many as his best but was criticized by Judge James Halliday as â€Å"prematurely aged†, indicative of oxidation.Some of Delamere’s customers have recently commented about a lack of consistency with Richardson’s wine. Below is a comment from one of Delamere’s wholesaler’s. â€Å"Richard, I’m worried about this year’s pinot. It’s very different to last year’s. What are you doing different? I’m worried that if I sell this to restaurants that took last year’s they’re going to be surprised, and perhaps disappointed†–Wholesaler, commenting on the 1994 whole-bunch reserve Pinot Noir.  Generate a consistent Income Over the course of 8 years, Delamere Vineyard has struggled to produce a consistent net income.As seen in the graph below, Delamere Vineyard’s net income was as low as -$41,124 in 1993, and as high as $70,218 in 1997. The lack of consistency makes it very hard for any business owner or manager to manage their business. Richardson has stated that wine making has its peaks and valleys and that your goal as a wine maker is to minimize the valleys and capitalize on the peaks. As you take a closer look at the graph, you will notice that that Delamere’s income never really spikes during its so called peaks and plummets during its so called valleys.What is most concerning is Richardson’s inability to capitalize on what many have stated as being his best Pinot Noir wine in 1994. Following this harvest Richardson produced good profits, but not records numbers. Profitability has not been a focal point of Richardson business in previous years. However, it should be something Richardson looks to improve given the statistics above. Relaying on the peaks of Delamere is like h oping one gets lucky. Expand current operations: Option 1: Plant more grapes Richardson is currently only using up 8. 1 acres of the available 21. 3 acres, which accounts for only 38% of his land suitable for vineyards.Below is an example of how much Richardson could increase production by merely doubling his operations. 1997 Delamere Vineyard Production pinot noir chardonnaytotal Estimated production Acres of vines currently planted6. 91. 28. 116. 2 Yield per acre (Tonnes)3. 363. 366. 7213. 44 Liters of wine produced16. 2682,9052921. 2685842. 536 Casks (barrels)721385170 Evaporation and scrap (liters)97617411502300 % of scrap0 Total Liters wine (net)15,29227311802336046 Cases169930320024004 Bottles 20,38936412403048060 Library and Owners Use4001005001000 % of grape type0 Total Bottles (net)19,98935412353047060Option 2: Expand the Cellar Door Sales As stated above, Richardson is currently using 38% of his 21. 3 acres. The â€Å"Cellar Door†has become a unique experience for many of Richardson’s customers and also been a great source of revenueâ€â€roughly 58 % of Richardson business. The vast majority of the Cellar Door customer’s our tourist to the Tasmania region and Richardson should consider adding lodging accommodations for these guests. Richardson could possible encompass one nights lodging, wine seminar, and a case of wine. The obvious downsides would be the building cost and also additional employee help.Hire Additional Help: Add an additional employee that oversees the daily operations of the vineyard. This would be an added expense, but it will give Richardson the ability to focus on perfecting the wine making process. This will also help aid in future growth of the vineyard. Recommendation Given the fact that it will take time for planted grapes to harvests, I’ve broke down my recommendations based on years of operation. Year 1 In year one I’m recommending that Richardson start adding SO2 to his wine. Given Ric hardson’s chemistry background this should be relatively easy to implement.This change can be completed with very little start up cost and will help produce a consistent wine on a yearly basis; improving the overall quality of Richardson’s wine. The new wine consistency will pay dividends with Delamere’s wholesale customersâ€â€which accounts for 38% of his yearly businessâ€â€where consistency has been critical. The addition of S02 has been instituted by other vineyards already and has been received well throughout the market place. Over/under oxidation will also not be as prevalent as in the previous years and should allow Richardson to increase the retail on his wine, increasing his gross margin.Richardson will need to research his competitors pricing to see how big of an increase is justified. I’m also recommending that you plant an additional 8. 1 acres of grapes. Given the fact that nearly 62% of your vineyard lays vacant, you will more than d ouble your GMROI in future years to come. Year 3 Once the newly planted crop is ready for harvest I’m suggesting that Richardson hire an additional employee that can manage your daily operations of the vineyard. It is during this time that I’m suggesting that Richardson also consider pursuing optimum fermentation.This would require the purchase of a fermentation tank but would allow Richardson to express his creativity and focus on the overall quality/complexity of your pinot noir. I recommended that Richardson only devote 4 acres of his vineyard to this method given the risk associated with this practice which I have highlighted above. Year 8 The last improvement is one that will have to be based on the over success of the other improvements mentioned above. By this time Richardson should have a grasp on whole bunch fermentation and mastered the art of adding SO2 to his wine.Richardson will have created a successful vineyard and more likely will be looking for other w ays to improve creativity of his vineyard. It is at this time I that I suggest Richardson look into developing the remaining 5. 1 acres into a bed and breakfast lodge. More than 50% of his business already comes from cellar door customers that are visiting the Tasmania region. This could become a popular venue for tourists interested in wine making, wine tasting events, weddings, and other special events. The initial cost of this recommendation would be extremely high; however, it has the potential to increase sales dramatically.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Purpose of Life Essay
Are you really contented with your life? Do you even know the real purpose of life here on Earth? What is your purpose for waking up everyday? Why can you hear, see, smell, talk and think? What are you here for? Every life here on Earth has their own purpose of existence. The plants, they play a huge role on maintaining the cleanliness of our planet and the air we breathe. The animals, they serve as our food and source of life. But us humans, do we know our purpose? Of course, many would say yes, but then again is that our real purpose for living? According to the book â€Å"40 days of purpose†by Rick Warren, there are consequences of not knowing your purpose. One is, without knowing your purpose life will seem tiresome. Because if you do not know your purpose and so confusion will take control of you, and when that happens you just go with the flow like the river flowing into the sea. You just go round and round and back again. Second, without knowing your purpose life will seem unfulfilling. Like the saying goes history merely repeats itself because there is no contentment, no satisfaction at all. No matter how much we have we still ask for more. Third, without knowing your purpose life will seem uncontrollable. We often do things we think is right, but actually we are being deceived by the knowledge the world has put into us and not by our own knowledge that God has given us. But on the other hand, if you will know your purpose of living, there are also benefits from it. First, knowing the purpose of your life will give your life focus. Just like in a team, every team has one purpose and that is to attain a certain goal. Next is, knowing the purpose of your life will simply your life. In here comes fulfillment, contentment, joy and satisfaction. Third, knowing the purpose of your life will increase motivation in your life. Every good and bad things that happen in this world has a reason and a purpose, and it’s for us to find out. We only need to strive, work and be patient to discover it. Lastly, knowing the purpose of your life will prepare you for eternity. We all know that nothing is permanent in this world, we will all die in the future. But the question is are we ready when that time comes? Are we able to comply with the purpose where God has placed us? If you feel tired, unfulfilled and uncontrollable then it means that you are still in the process of knowing your purpose. But, if you are focused, living a simple life, motivated and prepared for the future, for eternity then you are living the purpose of God in your life. And so are you living with the purpose or are you leaving your purpose? Thank you! And God bless!
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Social Psychology essay
Social Psychology essay Social Psychology essay Social Psychology essayThe history of social psychology can be described as the history of social science that reflects multiple efforts to explain social conditions, social actions and the relationships between society and its members (Fenestra, 2013). The history of social psychology helps to better understand the nature of social world. In fact, social psychology plays an important role in helping individuals to have a better understand of the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of other individuals. It is necessary to understand not only social, but also political and material influences on the conceptions of individuals. The history of social psychology is closely connected with the political history because the discipline helps to explore human nature through the application of certain scientific methods. A number of key research developments have helped to define social psychology and differentiate it from other fields of study, including ethical, cultural, behavioral and other types of research developments.  The following theoretical constructs are inherent in social psychology principles include the â€Å"commonality corollary, the sociality corollary and the fragmentation corollary†(Rogers, 2013, p. 157). The role of ethics in behavioral research is crucial because any form of behavioral research requires not only observation, analysis of human behavior, but also it requires the analysis of by-products of human behavior, such as public opinions. Ethics in behavioral research influences the attitudes of personnel, the behavior of the participants, and other aspects that may have certain impact on society. Some of the ethical dilemmas that researchers face include the issues associated with specific national or cultural context, maintenance of the respect for privacy and confidentiality, etc. One of the examples of an ethical violation that occurred in a human research study includes the violation of moral principles in the form of racial ineq uality, which leads to racial discrimination and racism. The study well-known as the Tuskegee Syphilis study demonstrates the actual violation of moral norms in relation to African Americans. The methodology used by researchers was observational. Considerable changes could have been made to improve the ethical nature of the research, including the improved ethical standards and the proper control.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Best Places to Study on a College Campus
Best Places to Study on a College Campus Finding a place to study on a college campus can be a challenge. Even if youre lucky enough to use your room for periods of time without having your roommate barge in, you still might need a change of scenery from time to time. Any of these places to study on campus can do the trick! Libraries Look for nooks and crannies in the undergraduate library. See if you can rent a carrel or small study room. Head to a floor youve never been to before. Check out the stacks and find a small table pushed against a wall somewhere. There are undoubtedly little spaces you can find that will help you focus on the task(s) at hand. Head to the medical, business, or law library for a completely different scene. Nice furniture, quiet study rooms, and nicer digs are much more common here, and youll be less likely to bump into- and get distracted by- people you know. Check out the smaller libraries on campus. Many large schools have tiny libraries scattered around. Ask for a directory of libraries and find one that is small, not busy, and perfect for getting some work done. Coffee Shops If you work best with some background noise and a distraction now and then, not to mention easy access to food and drinks, the campus coffee shop may be a good bet. Outdoor Areas When the weather is nice, reading out on a lawn can be a great way to get some fresh air, clear your mind, and still get some work done. If youre worried about running into people you know, head to a part of campus you and your friends dont usually visit. Classrooms Check out empty classrooms. You dont have to be in class to take advantage of a nice classroom: if a room is unoccupied, feel free to claim it as your own and get to work. Utilize the campus computer labs. You dont have to be using a computer to take advantage of the quiet atmosphere that most labs provide. Grab your work, your laptop, and an empty seat at a table and enjoy the lack of noise and distraction. Other Areas Camp out in the dining hall during off hours. When everyone is free for lunch, the dining halls are totally chaotic. But between meals, they can be quiet and peaceful. Grab a snack and enjoy the large table space you wouldnt otherwise have access to. Head to larger venues that arent in use. Large theaters or music halls often arent in use all the time. Head to one of these areas for some quiet time in a place that can help free your mind from distraction. Reading Shakespeare in an empty theater may be just what you need to get into your assignment! Use a Tutoring or Learning Center Peek into a writing/resource/tutoring/learning center. Many campuses offer resources for students working on projects. Even if youre not meeting with any of the centers volunteers or staff members, see if you can work there for a few hours.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Bean and Jerry Ice-cream Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Bean and Jerry Ice-cream Company - Essay Example The company started growing successfully due to some chunky ingredients and some unusual and catchy flavor. It was the scoop style which was adopted by them to sell ice-cream but they had to go for the pint way. By the year 1984 they had already been successful in taking the ice-cream company public in the city of Vermont. They got themselves registered under the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) allowing them to buy stock nationwide. Ben and Jerry were considered as good and old boys from the sixties who preferred conducting their meetings in a festive manner than in the stereotypical way of carry out any corporate meeting. They actually tried to show the masses that their company is not a place where people can work with greatness but it also tries to portrait that they are somewhere socially related as well responsible to the whole community and the society. â€Å"Caring Capitalism†is something which these two young people believed in and they eventually donated aroun d 7.5% of the pretax profit for the wellbeing of the society and for those social causes which included Centro for Better Living and Healing Our Mother Earth. Haagen-Dazs is the largest competitor of Benn and Jerry and the former has always been choosy in while distributing ice-creams. It has always aimed the elite class of the society. The funky image which the latter has shown has drawn attention of the younger crowd with catchy eyes. Their commitment to the society is an honest and an obvious approach. The mission statement of Benn and Jerry is the creation as well as demonstration of new concepts of the corporate for linked prosperity. The mission consists mainly of three parts. Underlying this mission is of course the in determination to seek a new as well as creative concepts and styles for addressing all the new parts, while holding this deep respect in case of every individuals outside and inside the company as well as for all the communities of which they consider themselve s to be a part. The company is operated on the basis of a sound and efficient economic system, which helps them to grow in the future and as well as increase the values of their shareholders on the other hand. The economic structure also aims at improving the opportunities of the workers and also is able to give away reward points. The company is also active in such a way that it is recognized everywhere as well as the important role which the company has in shaping the society locally, nationally and internationally. Underlying this particular mission of the company, Benn and Jerry is the creative and new ways of approaching and addressing all these three new parts, while they also try to uphold deep respect and virtue for each and every individuals outside and inside the company and eventually all the communities of which they consider themselves to be a part. 2. Product Benn and Jerry distribute, make and set all the best quality for the natural ice-creams and the dairy products related to a huge variety of unusual flavors which are made from the dairy product of Vermont. Their product which is super premium ice-cream is rich in the butterfat content that is 12%, where as this content is only 6-10 percent in other ice-dream. While ensuring quality of their product and of course to maintain the good old roots in their own community they preferred buying the creams from the
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