Saturday, May 23, 2020
Operational Functions Of Operations Management - 1094 Words
INTRODUCTION Operations management is the process that transforms inputs into goods and services that add value for the customer. It maximises efficiency and effectively fulfils customer needs. Operations are one of the three strategic functions of any organization. This means that it is a vital part of accomplishing the organization s strategy and ensuring its long-term survival (Boundless, 2015). Characteristics of Operations Management †¢ Core function in an organisation †¢ Exists in every type of department †¢ Most businesses are supported by operations, marketing and finance The areas that determine effective operations management - †¢ Service, product design †¢ Quality management †¢ Process, capacity design †¢ Location †¢ Layout design †¢ Human resources †¢ Supply-chain management †¢ Inventory management †¢ Scheduling †¢ Maintenance COMPANY PROFILE BlackBerry Limited (formerly known as Research in Motion Limited) is a mobile communications company introduced in 1999. It provides software for managing mobile devices. It offers platform for messaging like BlackBerry Messenger. BlackBerry s software and hardware products are used worldwide by various government s agencies and by car makers and industrial plants throughout the world, much of this activity being unseen by the public. Their increase in popularity and market share led to stiff competition against Apple and android. BlackBerry (BB) has its own OS named QNX. A Canadian Telecommunications andShow MoreRelatedOperational Audit1064 Words  | 5 PagesNATURE OF OPERATIONAL AUDIT †¢ Also known as management audits and performance audits. †¢ Conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and/or efficiency of operations. †¢ Examinations of all or part of an entity to determine the degree of its operational efficiency, effectiveness and economy. †¢ Also refers to the auditor’s study of business operations for the purpose of making recommendations about economic and efficient use of resource, effective achievement of business objectivesRead MoreOperational Plan For A Strategic Plan991 Words  | 4 Pagesconnected with these actions. The operational plan should apply to the life of the strategic plan, but should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure sufficient progress is being made towards achieving the objectives and so priorities can be revised as necessary. 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Operation Management is concerned with any productive activity, whether manufacturing or service, in public sector or private sector, profit making or not profit making. It is concerned with ensuring that operations are carried out both efficiently and effectively. All mangers are operations managers since all functions within an organization are, presumably, productive activates it goes without saying that all function should be carried out efficiently and effectivelyRead MoreTeamwork at Wendys: Total Quality Management or a Failure to Apply Appropriate Learning?1294 Words  | 5 PagesTeamwork at Wendys: Total Quality Management or a Failure to Apply Appropriate Learning? Introduction There are many complications when it comes to running a large franchise corporation above and beyond the considerations for a more standard multinational with cohesive sales and operations units. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Data Analysis And Results Of Classroom Management
Data Analysis and Results: In this section explain the steps you took to score and analyze the data you collected with each of the data collection tools. Report this in a factual form and do not tell it like a story. Once you explained how you analyzed your data, present your actual results. If you had quantitative data, your results should include data sets, percentages, a mean, change from one data collection point to another, a table and graph, if possible. Do not let your tables and graphs â€Å"speak for themselves†; rather, explain the results that you think that the tables and graphs show. Analyze qualitative data by: o Transitions: All 3 correlated with transitions helping with time and flow. o Classroom management: All 3 correlated o Use of formative assessment was found to help student’s engagement throughout. o Classroom management was a common theme among my data as well that showed being better able to pace lessons. Triangulation: Both my Critical friend and journaling collection tools agreed that classroom management has a big impact on how lessons and activity pacing will go. My own journaling indicated a numerous amount of times that my teachers classroom management helped with her lesson pacing. I journaled that she used Dojo point system to give and take away points to students. This helped with behavioral issues in the classroom and gave students a way to stay focused to earn points as a result. My critical friend stated that I used effective transitionsShow MoreRelatedThe Between Regulations And Quality1271 Words  | 6 PagesSakai, Howes, 2004). NAEYC accredited programs were more stringent in regulations and higher in quality than regular state licensing (Apple). Early childhood programs that meet NAEYC quality standards have an obligation to provide high quality classrooms, better adult child ratios, employ staff with superior educational qualifications, implement developmentally appropriate curr iculum, and commit to ongoing self assessment and reaccreditation through NAYEC (Roach, Kim, Riley, 2006). WinterbottomRead MoreNon Participant Observation On Science, Social Studies, And Mathematics863 Words  | 4 PagesData Collection The method that will be used to collect data will be non-participant observation. The non-participant observation is the most appropriate because I will be able to observe, without interrupting the class, how the participants conduct their mathematics, science, and social studies lessons. I will also observe whether or not they incorporate literacy into their lessons, and if so how it impacts them. Non-participant observation will show how these participants handle the emphasis onRead MoreClassroom Management Essay869 Words  | 4 PagesPurpose Classroom management plays an important role in effective teaching by providing a desirable environment which promotes better learning and student growth. The most important effect that classroom management has on student behavior is that it promotes better learning because students can better focus when their environment is free from distraction and conflict. When a teacher provides a well-organized and controlled environment, student’s academics interest and performance increase whileRead MoreTypes Of Quantitative Data Collection And Five Types For Qualitative Data1637 Words  | 7 PagesData Analysis As noted in Table 1, there were four types of quantitative data collection and five types for qualitative data. Quantitative. The quantitative data from the population-sourcing databases was used to define the demographics and subgroups being studied. The PCA performed on the teacher questionnaires resulted in a list of effective teaching factors, which was divided by the subgroup and demographic data, though this list was not included in the study. The PCA results from the studentRead MoreData Is Essential For Project Planning1286 Words  | 6 PagesData is essential for project planning. Arguably, the success of a program is as reliable as the data collected to plan the project. Data collection is vital for successful project design, communication, implementation, monitoring, performance measurement, program evaluation, and team management. Gathering accurate and timely data will allow project sustainability. Accurate data drives the project; effective information gathering facilitates all the steps in project planning. Anytime data is collectedRead MoreTeachers and Colleagues in the Action Research Process1457 Words  | 6 Pagesindividual classrooms (2005). However, in order for all educators to really reap the benefits of an action-research plan, there really needs to be clear instructional layout so that the action-research plan is presented in a lucid and attainable manner. According to Hewitt and Little, The action research process involves four phases: 1. Identifying a classroom problem. 2. Developing and implementing an action research plan. 3. Collecting and analyzing data. 4. Using and sharing results. (2005)Read MoreThe Dimensions Of Effective Classroom Practice1248 Words  | 5 Pagescomponents: 1) Analysis of quantitative observation and survey data to identify underlying dimensions of effective classroom practice, 2) the use of NVivo (a computer-as sited analysis package) to analyze qualitative interviews and detailed observation field notes, 3) the development of analytical matrices at the teacher level, and 4) the creation of individual teacher profiles (Kingston, Sammons, Day and Regan, 2011). Dimensions of effective classroom practice Dimensions of effective classroom practiceRead MoreClassroom Behavior Management And Its Effects On Students Behavior Essay947 Words  | 4 PagesClassroom behavior management is considered to be one of the most important factors to determine student’s behaviors. With that being said, the study evaluated classroom behavior strategies that are aligned with Positive Behavioral Interventions Supports (Reinke, Herman Stormont, 2013). According to research, the impact of SW-PBIS has reduced problem behaviors and increased academic performance. However, despite the increase of PBIS many teachers continue to struggle with managing student behaviorRead MoreCharacteristics Of Effective Professional Development1672 Words  | 7 PagesIn this article, Characteristics of Effective Professional Development: An Examination of the Developmental Designs Character Education Classroom Management Approach in Middle Grades Schools, Hough (2011) investigated the impact of using professional development to help teachers learn and implement character education classroom management strategies. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Importance of Computer Literacy Free Essays
Importance of Computer Literacy Computer literacy is having up to date knowledge of computers and their capabilities. One of the more popular aspects of the computer is the use of the internet. The internet is a worldwide collection of networks that links millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Computer Literacy or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was originally started by the Pentagon for scientists and military to put information and their studies on a network that was easily shared with one another. They also designed it so it could function even when part of the network is disabled by a terrorist attack or natural disaster. The servers allow connection between other computers by linking it to its network, to allow clients to communicate. Today, there is no one controller or person in charge of the internet, it is publicly accessed, but there are major corporations that oversee everything. Knowing how computers and the internet function together is very important. A computer is an electronic device, functioning under the control of directions stored in its own memory, which can admit data according to specified guidelines, produce results, and store the results for future use. The main purpose of a computer is to process data into information, or output, that people can understand. Data, or input, is a collection of unprocessed items, which include text, numbers, images, audio, and video. The series of input, output, storage activities, communication actions, and system unit are part of the information processing cycle. In order to complete these functions there are many electrical and mechanical components in a computer called hardware. One advantage of all these components is that they are very reliable and rarely break and need replacing. First there is the input device, which is any hardware component that allows you to enter data and commands into a computer. The advantage of input is that it is consistent, whatever it is given it will produce the same results during the output. Five commonly used input devices are the keyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner, and web cam. Next, there is the output device, which is any hardware component that conveys information to one or more people such as a printer, monitor, and speakers. Then, the system unit is a case that holds the electronic mechanisms of the computer that are used to route data. The system unit is linked to a circuit board called the motherboard. The two main components of the motherboard are the processor and memory. The processor, also known as the CPU (central processing unit) is the electrical component that interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate the computer. Memory consists of electronic components that store instructions waiting to be executed and data needed by those instructions. One of the main advantages of the computer is its speed. When data flows through the circuits it is moving incredibly fast, processing billions and trillions of operations in a single second. Next, the storage device is used to hold data, instructions, and information for future use. A computer keeps these on storage media like memory cards or USB flash drives. A storage device records and retrieves items to and from the storage media. The storage availability on a computer is a huge benefit because you can store enormous amounts of data and process it anytime. Finally, a communication device is a hardware component that enables a computer to transmit and receive data, instructions, and information to from one or more computers or mobile devices. This is highly beneficial considering most computers today communicate with each other. This capability allows computers to share their processing life cycles with other people. The completion and understanding of the information processing life cycle of computers allows users to access so much more information than previous generations. Just owning a computer is still limiting its capabilities if you are not using the internet though. In Bill Gates’ The Road Ahead, he discusses how the internet is an â€Å"information highway†and that there is lots of materials out there, but you use filters to help you find what you need. The internet is like also like a highway because the information that you request passes through many networks until it reaches you. First, the computer initiates a request of data specific to the IP (internet protocol) address currently in use, then transfers that request through the modem to the central cable system, that proceeds to an even larger central cable system. The ISP routes your request to the appropriate destination server. Finally, the server receives your request and responds. This all happens within a few seconds depending on how fast your internet is. In order to use the internet you will need a web browser. A web browser is application software that connects mobile devices or computers to the internet. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Google Chrome are some the most popular web browsers. Once the web browser is set up, you are able to set a home page, or the website that will appear every time you open your browser. It is most common to have your homepage setting to a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. A search engine is a program that finds websites, webpages, videos, and news that is related to a key word or subject. When the search engine finds the results it provides hyperlinks and short descriptions about the webpages related to your search. Gates compares these filters to using a library catalog (Gates, 1995). This makes navigating the internet very simple and easy to use to help from too much information piling up on you. When using computers and the internet, it would also be beneficial to apply application software. Application software consists of programs made specifically to make people more productive. It also assists with personal tasks. It is designed to make business activities more efficient, help with graphics and multimedia projects, to support home, personal, and educational duties, and to facilitate communication. One of the more popular uses of the computer is the easily navigated communication software. E-mailing is very popular among schools and businesses as a way to relay information. Texts, pictures, and video messages can all be transferred wirelessly from mobile devices to computers to share. Video conferencing helps meetings between geographically separated people. Nick Wingfield, a reporter for the New York Times posted a video talking about Microsoft’s buy out of Skype and was discussing the company’s direction. He talked about how they are trying to make a business platform for Skype conference calls on Windows 8 (Wingfield, 2012). This would be great and could possibly change how the working world does business. A lot of people are able to work from home through e-mail or conference calls, but if Skype comes out with something specifically for distance meetings this could cut out the need to go to the office all together for some businesses. This would mean saving time and gas on driving, more family interaction, and companies could save money on office space. If everyone worked from home location wouldn’t even matter, cost of living would go down in places like New York and D. C. My brother is already allowed to do this as a patent examiner for the US government and only has to fly in from Michigan to DC when certain clients want to see him. I think businesses will slowly move more towards using this application software more heavily in the future. I don’t see how getting information faster and more effective could be bad at all. By browsing the internet with easy use of search engines we will be able to learn more and faster and wasting less time looking. Some people may be afraid of the advances in computers like NPR’s Chris Arnold talked about â€Å"The race against the machine†and how super computers like Jeopardy’s WATSON can do the research of 500 lawyers at once (Arnold, 2011). Yes, this may take away the need for lawyers because computers make research easier, but technology constantly being upgraded and increasing in households jobs will be made up in the field of computer science. The fact that more and more jobs will be created for computer scientist or at least involve using computer technologies is why being computer literate is so important. Overall, I believe that computers are only improving society and breaking boundaries between nations. We are able to receive and understand information faster than ever before. Generation Y spends most of their time on the online through computers, smart phones, or video games. I think it should be mandatory that grade schools and high schools teach basic computer classes, and that college should require an elementary computer science class as well. This is because the modern world is one that relies on technological communication and work skills so to not have them is no longer feasible. Works Cited Arnold, C. (2011, November 13). How technology is eliminating higher skilled jobs. NPR Podcast. Podcast retrieved from http://www. npr. org/2011/11/03/141949820/how-technology-is-eliminating-higher-skill-jobs Gates, B. , Myhrvold, N. , Rinearson, P. (1995). The road ahead: Completely revised and up to date. New York, NY. Penguin Group. Wingfield, N. (Reporter). New York Times (Producer). (2012, May 29). Interview conducted over skype. Video: Microsoft and skype. Video retrieved from http://bits. blogs. nytimes. com/2012/05/29/video-microsoft-and-skype/ How to cite Importance of Computer Literacy, Papers
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