Thursday, October 31, 2019

Informing of the Recent Development in the Battlefield at Hastings Essay

Informing of the Recent Development in the Battlefield at Hastings - Essay Example In the recruitment field, the soldiers came with horses carrying weapons such as battle-axe, long swords, and a short knife among other weapons. I went for training and started serving as a soldier to the king. The soldiers guarded the royal palace and the king was given the greatest honor in the land. King Edward could spend his time with Harold, his brother in law in the palace discussing matters of the leadership of England. Edward had no children so he had to choose heir of his throne. He chose Harold to take over his throne after his death. Harold could travel with his followers whenever he came to visit the king. Notably, Harold was religious and he could go to the church at Bosham with his men before sailing. Harold’s journey to Normandy hit a snag when he was captured at Ponthieu by count Guy. Guy took Harold to William where they made a vow to work together to oust Duke Conan. Kings had a long sword, which symbolized their leadership. The king sat on a special seat, w hich had decorations that suit the needs of the king. The king had maiden who served royal dishes. Before the death of King Edward, Harold returned to see him. During that meeting, Edward promised Harold his throne. On 5th January 1066, King Edward died in the upper chamber of his palace. His faithful followers and noblemen offered an axe and crown to Harold as a symbol of leadership. The crowning ceremony of Harold took place on 6th January 1066. He sat on his new throne with Archbishop and other dignitaries besides him. Many people were not happy with Harold crowning because he did not belong to the royal family. My life as a soldier changed following the coronation of Harold. When the news spread across England that Harold was the new king of England, rumors about William invasion gripped the palace. We had to prepare our weapons because of the impending invasion.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Native American Women's Role Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Native American Women's Role - Research Paper Example The speed and degree of progression that women have brought in the American workforce to arrive at the pinnacle of the corporate society is greatly recognized. The purpose of this statement is to emphasize that the job of women in the workplace has turned out to be more dominant. The fundamental factors to women’s successions in the workforce are higher education, to amplify the accomplishment of upper stage point, and acquisitive entrepreneurship occasion. The statement is intended to be enlightening and the procedure used to build these details is mainly research consisting of arithmetical data from the Women’s agency, the US survey reports, articles from major newspapers and other internet sources. The range of this story comprises the development of women in the United States workforce mostly pertaining to the past two to five years, while shedding light on the progression women have made in comparison among past decades. Women play an extremely significant role in the life of the Native Americans. Now they are not merely mothers who were supposed to remain in the house and rear children and take care of the house chores. In most cases, women were really in charge of assembling resources and then structuring houses for each family. They maintained the houses well and shaped new houses as per the requirement. This is an amazing accomplishment, chiefly for the women of that time. â€Å"The survey of women from the 34 highly selective colleges and universities found that, in the mid-1990s, women with at least one child spent about 2.1 years on average out of the labor force. Another survey, which studied all American women, found that the percentage of women who were married with kids under the age of six and working was about 30% in 1970, 58.9% in 1990, and 59.3% in 2004† (Hollyday, 2006). Men realize that women are the basis of life and offer a sense of strength as well as

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Importance Of Geography To International Relations Politics Essay

Importance Of Geography To International Relations Politics Essay At first, it is necessary to identify the important issues that are going to be developed, I rather to start with the international relations which is the study of human interactions through national borders and the factors that affect those interactions. This definition briefly gives a globalized approach that makes people understand that nations are not the unique actor involve in the developed of the international relations but now there are many other institutions that actually affect those relationships and in some cases can change its complete direction. Those new actors can be intergovernmental organizations, nongovernmental organizations, international nongovernmental organizations and multinational corporations. On the other hand, there is the geography that would be explained based on this quote: Geography is the study of the patterns and processes of human (built) and environmental (natural) landscapes, where landscapes comprise real (objective) and perceived (subjective) space.  [1]  , in a simple way the previous definition immediately reminds us to the key problem to treat. The most important relation between the geography and the international relations appeared when countries realize the differences they had with their neighboring countries, in culture, thinking and the last but the relevant one, the resources. In the final years of the XIX century began the study of the geopolitics  [2]  that appears as consequences of three important situations that occurred in the international level. The first one is the consolidation of nation-state that is a territory with a population whose has sovereignty and the power to manage that territory, when this word was defined, the head of the states was concern about having the bigger territory as it was possible, also appears terms related with the national interest. The second event that marked the study of geopolitics is the II industrial revolution where the main resource demanded was the economic capital and in a secondary instance, the natural resources; with the revolution, states become aware of the nee d of the resources that they did not have so they had to get it from other nation-states. The third thing is related to the liberalism and the socialism that in few words, are expansionist ideologies. The socialism that says that the best government is the one that guarantees the equality between the members of the society people under this believe thinks that the socialism is possible just if it is in a global scale, and the liberalism is the ideology of the believe that the democracy is the best polity and every single country must have it, these theory arises and develop the idea of the universal rights. The factors already named, are the causes of the emergence of the interrelation between the geography and the international relations because the strategic countries started to look in the non strategic countries a sources to get everything they needed to increase their economies and guarantee a successful development of their society, so they began invading other territories already delimited (randomly) and tried to impose their authority everywhere they arrive, this caused a drastically changed in the international relation because every single country realized that they were not alone and that now had to fight to keep the current state they had, also states were seeing each other as a treat, because of this there were continues fights. A significant example of this, is what happened in Europe in the final years of the XIX centuries, the time know as the age of imperialism. Having occurred a list of situations that changed the image that Europe had of themselves. European countries saw Africans as defenseless people that needed to be defended. They sent people to study the behavior of the people living in the black continent, after a period the powerful European countries were completely inside of Africa and had a control over it. The imperial that used strategies to get the richest (resources) places in Africa was Great Britain who developed important naval and military power to fight not just with Africans but also to defeat the other European countries such as Portugal, France and Germany that were also trying to expand their territory and sovereignty in the dominated country. Finally Great Britain got the power from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic and from Cabo to Cairo. This has many consequences for the world order and organization, in this moment began the overseas trade of slaves and caused the emergence of African countries as nations whose h as their power based on guns. There some important authors that consider that without the age of imperialism do not hear were possible things like the spread of European languages in the hold world, also were an absence of institutions that makes the international relations what it is today. The previous paragraph shows how the application of the geography in the decisions to make in the international level (that affect another nations and their relation) can produce a lot of consequences, those would be positive or negative but the history shows that most of them has been positives and those that were negative, evolved while the time was running and now we live in a organized world that obviously is not perfect but at least spite of that are many potential fights, this can be and are controlled with the tools that international institutions has to keep the world order and the peaceful relations between nations. Another example that can be explained to prove the affirmation at the beginning is what is happening in the Antarctic, the polar caps are being thawed. But what happens with this situation? At first, it is known that many countries have their economy based in the freight transport or activities related to, some countries are Malaysia, Netherlands Panama and Singapore. The way how they are affected is because this important geographic change, caused because of an environmental issue, makes that the ports that are placed in those countries are not going to be as crowed as they used to be. All this because of the National geography showed a documental about how a group of Fishers in a big fishing boat decided to explore the Antarctic and see how difficult would be to cross from the Atlantic to the pacific to arrive to China, avoidant passed by the Indian Ocean. Second consequences is that now exist (for some countries) the possibility to distributed the last part of the world (the only one that has not being distributed) experts in geography and geopolitics affirms that it could (and most likely) leads to a struggle for having control over that zone. The third issue related to this change is about Netherlands, some projections demonstrate that if the polar caps continue thawing, this country ,that is place under the sea level and that has survive with the develop of very specific engineering, would be partially awash. Again it was prove, the international relations is considerably affected by the geography, this example is just a supposition of what would happen, but there consequences (positive or negative) may be much deeper of what it has been explained. Not to go too far, there is perfect example happening inside of Colombia and involve United States on one hand and on another hand is Venezuela and Ecuador. This is related to the military bases that United States has and use in Colombia. The interest of the US on having a close relation with Colombia is not exactly to help the country, but is for the geographical position. It is known that allied countries on Venezuela ´s side are facing the consequences of having a revolutionary government and in the case of Venezuela; they are having many structural changes to become a socialist country. Because of this, Venezuela and Ecuador are seen as potential threats. So, what US want is to somehow have a control over the region or at least being constantly reported about what is happening in those neighboring countries. The example shows how a geographical position of one country could become this attractive, for another country that is a world power, and leads to create and maintain a rel ation just to explore around him. Nowadays it still being important the geography in the international relations but, for many people, has took a secondary position in order of relevance, this is because of the globalization, with developing of technology, the media communication and the many cheap and fast means of transport, the hold world is constantly connected and easily what happens in one place has consequences in another extreme of the world. So, is not necessary to being neighboring countries to attack or to have influence over a region or country. Can be said that the affirmation made in the last paragraph is truth but has a critic and is that spite that the economies are highly developed, somewhere almost everything can be produce or invented and the transportation is not a problem anymore; there are some resources that are vital for a society to exist but that are scarce resources and the real fight will come when countries begin to use the force or the military force to obtain those scarce resources. Those are water and oil, but the last one is the one about the countries are already concern, everywhere there is people trying to find a complete substitute of this and there are many advances on it but oil continue having its key importance. Everybody would think that maybe the coming war is going to be in Europe again or maybe Asia but it is not, this war will be in the Middle East exactly where are placed Iraq, Iran and Syria. All this is because between those countries they have the 55% of the world ´Ã‚  [3]  s oil res erves. Finally, can be said that the geography is not a physical study but also gets involves in the human activities and interactions, also is related to the international relations being more specific, is related to the foreign policy of a country, this is because when an issue about distribution (resources, land, space, sea) emergence every single country need to establish their position and an idea of how are they going to act when facing the issue. When the geopolitics appeared, there were some events that mark the way it was going to be studied and how would be that study based on. Those events are the definition of nations-states (territory, population and sovereignty), the II industrial revolution that made countries to see the need of interdependence they should create and have, to develop the production and the new definition in that time, the economies of scale. The third factor that influence the study of the geopolitics is the liberalism and the socialism that are theories about the best polities to be applied on a state. Another important argument that supports the affirmation was the historical approach, because there plenty of evidence that shows that we are not alone and is needed to interact with other countries and organizations in order to get an improvement or to decrease a threat. Well, States are interconnected, and is important to keep a peaceful relation to maintain a world order and stability in the international level. When a problem is being studied, it is vital to go to a Geographic map to understand which could be the geographical factors that influence in the develop of the problem or also doing this, can be conclude that the problem is a totally about a geographical factor. Also many people involve in the geopolitics believes that the international relation just talks about who can do what to whom  [4]   and this would not to be answer without taking into account many other science but from all of it, the most determinant is the geography.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Ubiquitous Man :: science

Ubiquitous Man A glance over the world from the point of view of a Science Fiction Writer who assumes that Time is waved to all directions Motto: The only thing you have really got is what you are and it is on you forever. Mihaela Bufnila ASSUMPTIONS If God had died what would be the use of beautiful language and why would â€Å"beautiful† exist or function anymore deep down the oceans? If I multiply and metamorphose into a cloud of spots under the pressure of magnetic fields, will I be able to enlarge my informational surface? The supreme miracle stands for the way in which an assembly of points realizes it is an assembly of points. The Ubiquitous Man seems to be the man of all times shaped into the body of contemporary Time. If this is not true, then I may be wrong when reporting myself to reality, and I have no other choice but accepting the generalized and the generalizing fiction according to which I don’t even exist and, thus, I cannot witness myself. This means that, as I am only contents, I couldn’t possibly build my exteriority from where to fully spy myself while plunging into the pleasure of the principle of multiple of one. The Ubiquitous Man seems to be caught between the history jaws, on the verge of being smashed by his own sins, by his own fictions, or by the crowds waving like a roaring ocean, or by revolutions and wars or by impersonal administrative acts or by nature hardships – which is not a proper nature anymore. As a universal construction, the Ubiquitous Man doesn’t seem to be built by addition, the idea of a flowing time is seemingly. The time seems rather waved; the ubiquity gives the impression of the wave that†¦ And look! You can see it before our visible horizon, now up, under the consciousness reflector, then vanished down the ocean full of universes, to the sailor’s anxiety. The Ubiquitous Man seems to be the man you feel close to you, resembling you, a sailor through the meaningful or meaningless storms, self-sufficient. Often, the Ubiquitous Man ends up by being ridiculous, tragic or anecdotic. It is like, being upset that his predecessors are not sharing his attempts, he punishes them by exterminating them together with him, and this is his way of perceiving the finite. Frequently, the Ubiquitous Man, a fragmented creature, cannot understand, cannot comprise all, cannot find out the meaning of things and then, he is expelled from the sailing registrar in one movement.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Jebel Ali

Hatem Abou-Reeda JEBEL ALI RESEARCH Jebel Ali is a port town located 35 kilometers southwest of the city of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The village has a thriving expatriate community with over 300 residents. Port Jebel Ali was constructed in the late 1970s to supplement the facilities at Port Rashid. The village of Jebel Ali was constructed for port workers. Covering over 134 square kilometers (52 sq mi), Port Jebel Ali is the biggest man-made harbor in the world and the biggest Middle East port.Port Jebel Ali covers over one million square meters of container yard. It also contains space for medium- and long-term general cargo storage, including seven Dutch barns with a total of almost 19 thousand square meters and 12 covered sheds covering with 90. 5 square meters. Port Jebel Ali also consists of 960 thousand square meters of open storage. Jebel Ali is home to over five thousand companies from 120 countries of the world . With 67 berths. Jebel Ali Port was ranked 7th in the world’s largest ports in 2007.Jebel Ali port is managed by state-owned Dubai Ports World. Jebel Ali Port have been ranked as 9th in Top Container Port Worldwide having handled 7. 62 million TEUs in 2005, which represents a 19% increase in throughput, over 2004. The expansion of Jebel Ali port commenced in 2001, which is the master plan of the port. The stage one was completed in 2007, which has increased the storage and handling capacity by 2. 2 million TEUs and a Quay length of 1,200m. The entire project includes 2. kilometers of new berths. The Palm Jebel Ali is an artificial archipelago in Dubai, United Arab Emirates which began construction in October 2002, was originally planned to be completed by mid 2008 and has been on hold since. The port of Jebel Ali has become the port most frequently visited by ships of the United States Navy outside the United States. USS Ronald Reagan In port Jebel Ali. Emma Maersk was the largest cargo ship ever built berthed in Jebel Ali. Jeb el Ali Terminal 2.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

High availability Essay

In the advent of the computer age, the growth of the internet has also necessitated the development of technologies that are not only able to cope with the demands of users but also within the limitations of current hardware. With multitasking having evolved into the norm, the availability of media and applications online has made it increasingly important to provide  high availability (Marcus 2003). The mission-critical applications that have surfaced on the internet have placed added pressure to make sure that highly available services are always ready. As such, this brief discourse will attempt to discuss the current state of high availability technology as well as any recent trends or variations that have surfaced. High Availability, as the term suggests, refers to systems or instruments in information technology that are not only continuously available but also continuously operational for long periods of time (Marcus 2003). The term availability is used to refer to the access that the users or members of user community have to the system. This type of access or ability can include anything from uploading files, to changing entries, updating works or even just scanning previous works (Marcus 2003). The failure to access the system results in downtime or unavailability. An example of this would be the manner by which community users like to be able to use Facebook to chat, watch videos, update links and upload pictures all at the same time. With a network that has Low Availability, the users will occasionally experience failures with regard to logging in or accessing different functions of the website because of the necessary downtime for system updating and maintenance (Ulrick 2010). This downtime can be prejudicial for a website or an internet application because it reduces the desirability of the technology. With the pressure on to provide complete and persistent accessibility, companies have tried to achieve the optimum â€Å"100% operational† or â€Å"never failing† Availability Status . One way of providing almost constant availability (High Availability) is by creating clusters. These computer systems or networks consist of several pieces that act as back-ups or failover processing mechanism that store data and allow for access. This includes the Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) or the Storage Area Network (SAN), which are used as back up storage devices to ensure constant availability (Marcus 2003). These systems, however, are constantly evolving and changing depending on the technology that is available and developed such as systems that have solid membership administration, consistent group communication sub-systems, quoram sub-systems, and even concurrent control sub-systems, among others. By creating a clustered computer system or network, backups are created in the form of redundancies for both hardware and software. This is achieved by forming or grouping several independent nodes with each of them simultaneously running a copy of the operating system (OS) and the application software (Marcus 2003). Whenever there is a failure in any of the nodes or when daemon failures occur, the system can quickly be reconfigured and the existing workload is then passed on to the other available or functional nodes within the cluster. Thus, there is always, theoretically, one system that is available and running to handle the services and access for the user community. It was reported in 1996 that the lost revenue and productivity due to downtime amounted to over US$ 4. 54 billion for American businesses alone (IBM 1998). As such, High availability has been consistently upgrading and evolving to be able to address this issue. The recent development include the creation of High Availability Clusters (HA Clusters or Failover Clusters). The concept of this is that it provides greater High Availability by operating several computer clusters at the same time. While this applies the same concept as High Availability, it attempts to create several failover systems and clusters that cater to this. It does, however, retain the same concept of constant monitoring to make sure that the systems are running as programmed and as planned. Recent research in this field has shown that there is also a diminishing return principle that can be applied. Up until recently, it was thought that by creating an expansive network and creating several clusters, the availability could be increased proportionally. However, there are findings that show that High Availability decreases when there are more components that are added to the system. This means that instead of improving the process it is instead undermined by the installation of additional components. The reason for this, according to Chee-Wei Ang, is that the more complex a system the more potential failures arise (Ang 2007). Since there are more systems to monitor, it becomes more difficult to point out exactly where the problem is. This can be compared to a complicated plumbing system wherein it becomes difficult to find the source of the leak. Though it has been argued by experts that a number of highly available systems utilize a simple design architecture which features high quality multipurpose systems. Yet even with this, it cannot ignore the basic fact that theses systems still require constant upgrading, patching and maintenance. The recent developments in this field include the creation of more advanced systems designs that streamline and facilitate the maintenance of systems without the need for compromising the availability. This has been achieved by doing load balancing and more advanced failover techniques. It is admitted, however, that while there are several developments, like all hardware devices these systems are also prone to human error and typical wear and tear which cannot be avoided though their effects can be mitigated by the introduction of more effective and efficient means.