Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Native American Women's Role Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Native American Women's Role - Research Paper Example The speed and degree of progression that women have brought in the American workforce to arrive at the pinnacle of the corporate society is greatly recognized. The purpose of this statement is to emphasize that the job of women in the workplace has turned out to be more dominant. The fundamental factors to women’s successions in the workforce are higher education, to amplify the accomplishment of upper stage point, and acquisitive entrepreneurship occasion. The statement is intended to be enlightening and the procedure used to build these details is mainly research consisting of arithmetical data from the Women’s agency, the US survey reports, articles from major newspapers and other internet sources. The range of this story comprises the development of women in the United States workforce mostly pertaining to the past two to five years, while shedding light on the progression women have made in comparison among past decades. Women play an extremely significant role in the life of the Native Americans. Now they are not merely mothers who were supposed to remain in the house and rear children and take care of the house chores. In most cases, women were really in charge of assembling resources and then structuring houses for each family. They maintained the houses well and shaped new houses as per the requirement. This is an amazing accomplishment, chiefly for the women of that time. â€Å"The survey of women from the 34 highly selective colleges and universities found that, in the mid-1990s, women with at least one child spent about 2.1 years on average out of the labor force. Another survey, which studied all American women, found that the percentage of women who were married with kids under the age of six and working was about 30% in 1970, 58.9% in 1990, and 59.3% in 2004† (Hollyday, 2006). Men realize that women are the basis of life and offer a sense of strength as well as

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