Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Second World War Unrest
Presentation The Second World War was the best world turmoil throughout the entire existence of humankind. It finished in the passing of more than 30 million individuals. The war got things to a halt the world with decreased or no monetary movement being acknowledged somewhere in the range of 1939 and 1945. The war came at the time where the worldwide economy was recuperating from a profound wretchedness (Howard, 2007). Battling arrived at most nations over the world.Advertising We will compose a custom examination paper test on The Second World War Unrest explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Retrospectively, numerous experts contend that the war could have been forestalled. Others express that it was inescapable to take part in the war. Along these lines, they contend, the world was brought to some degree of auxiliary moderation with bodies, for example, United Nations going to the front in keeping up worldwide amicability. This paper investigates the contention th at the war was preventable and features a portion of the reasons why. Sequence Germany’s brilliant ascent under Hitler was a direct result of the First World War. Hitler started to seek after a forceful international strategy somewhere in the range of 1919 and 1933. Prior on in the settlement of Versailles, Germans lost valuable land to Poland. Most Germans were despondent and needed to invert that. These variables molded the legislative issues of the Nazis with Hitler seeking after his own desire including tending to the results of the First World War (Weinberg, 2005). As Hitler rose to control, a large portion of the individuals in Germany were jobless. With the joblessness rate taking off high, the Nazi system set up its political strategies. Hitler started to change the bargain of Versailles by assaulting different neighboring states as he had a go at recovering lost land and increment the domain of Germany (Cogley Sargent, 2001). England was one of the worldwide forces a t that point and it was associated with goals of universal clashes including different nations through conciliation. As Britain ceaselessly surrendered to the requests of Hitler, USSR was distanced .Stalin was made to accept that the Western forces had permitted Hitler to proceed with his forcefulness as Germany extended in the East. The extension advanced further clashes between the Nazis and the Soviets. As confirmed by Cogley Sargent, (2001), the conciliation strategy sought after by Britain and France was weak as it permitted proceeded with hostility of expansionist states. German started assaulting states that were partnered to Britain in late 1939. In 1940, Germany started ambush on Britain too through airstrikes coming about into the skirmish of Britain. Notwithstanding, Germany neglected to vanquish the British Air Force. Italy combined the war with its partners by assaulting North African states as Hitler arranged his best course of action. Germany attacked the USSR in 1941 (Davies, 2008).Advertising Looking for research paper on history? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The underlying endeavors to attack Russia were fruitful however the result frustrated the endeavors of Germany to proceed with its animosity. A full-scale retreat of Germany was acknowledged in 1943 after the Stalingrad and Kursk fights in which German troopers were seriously harmed and numerous kicked the bucket. In 1944, Germany was constrained out of the USSR totally. Around the same time, the U.S. joined the war by propelling sunlight intrusion of Germany in one of its provinces that it had caught from France through the port of Normandy (Simkins, Jukes Hickey, 2002). Consequently, Germany had built up animosity with practically all superpowers: U.S., USSR, and Britain among others. Regardless of the endeavors of every nation, USSR was the principal nation to get to Berlin with the impacts of the war driving Germany to giv e up in 1945 (BBC 2012). Contention Could the war have been forestalled? Numerous individuals agree that it could have. Albeit most countries were free, the ascent of Germany under the erratic Hitler after the First World War ought to have been stemmed. Moreover, numerous European superpowers at the time had expansionist approaches. The United States was the sole superpower with nonexistent expansionist arrangements. Henceforth, it was in a superior situation to check the yearning of Hitler for increasingly more region. The US ought to have assumed a major job in settling and conceivably revoking the Versailles settlement that was a significant impetus to the war. The Nazi system was likewise harsh and ought not have existed with US sitting idle (BBC 2012). Dissimilar to in the later Rwanda Genocide where the United States’ poor altercation Somalia kept her from acting, the case in 1939 and before was not gone before by an international strategy disaster. Thus, the US ought t o have assumed an increasingly dynamic job. Germany was as yet powerless in numerous fronts. Be that as it may, with the assistance of France and Britain through settlement, Germany developed into an impressive power. The two nations ought to have utilized their capacity to prevent Germany’s fleeting ascent. Be that as it may, as pundits contend, this would have given Stalin breathing space to promote his expansionist ways, which Hitler had beaten at him. Subsequently, avoidance ought to have been aimed at the two countries. The UN assumed a job as well. The financial arrangements it was proposing exacerbated the Germans’ resolve to get back their assets. The Japanese had an insignificant job however it was likewise noteworthy if the results and results of the war are anything to pass by. Definitively, the vast majority of the superpowers at the time played a functioning or latent job in declining the war (BBC 2012).Advertising We will compose a custom exploration pape r test on The Second World War Unrest explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More References BBC. (2012). History: World War 2. Recovered from http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/worldwars/wwtwo/Cogley, T. Chief, T. (2001). Advancing Post-World War II U.S. Swelling Dynamics. NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 16: 331-388. Davies, N. (2008). No Simple Victory: World War II in Europe, 1939â€1945. New York: Penguin Group. Howard, M. (2007). The First World War: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press. Simkins, P., Jukes, G. Hickey, M. (2002). The First World War, Volumes 1-2. NY, New York: Osprey Publishing. Weinberg, GL. (2005). A World at Arms: A Global History of World War II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. This exploration paper on The Second World War Unrest was composed and put together by client Red Cr0w to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for exploration and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it as needs be. You can give your paper here.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Food Intake-3 Day Essay
There are 3,500 calories in 1 pound (0.45kg) of fat and I would need to consume 500/1000 calories more than I expend in every day with the end goal for me to lose 1/21lb. of fat every week. I have found that with the end goal for me to lose fat, I made a calorie deficiency, anyway I needed to evade my body going into starvation reaction. With the goal for me to lose my muscle to fat ratio, I needed to outsmart my body regular fat stockpiling framework. With the end goal for me to be effective with my dietary procedures I utilized the accompanying: Decrease my calories by just a modest quantity Eat little and incessant suppers like clockwork Apply Calorie Tapering Follow a â€Å"cyclical†or â€Å"zigzag†calorie pivot First I needed to decide my every day necessities by utilizing a calorie number cruncher. I was capable utilize the weight reduction number cruncher to decide the time and calorie deficiency required to arrive at my objective weight. For my ideal weight reduction I decreased my calories to 15-20% underneath upkeep. At the point when I didn't gain ground I expanded this later, the bigger my shortfall created, the speedier my body got on. I discover that my initial step ought to be to build my movement levels. By me making a bigger calorie shortage, I needed to work out, cardio to consume calories, obstruction preparing to keep up bulk. Also I utilized the â€Å"cyclical†and â€Å"zigzag†calorie pivot framework by basically diminishing my calorie admission more than 3 days followed by one day where I eat minimal more. I understood this arrangement of calorie pivot was enormouslyâ successfully at keeping up my muscle, while losing muscle to fat ratio. It keeps away from the issue of my body adjusting to me bringing down my calorie consumption and hindered my digestion to where I didn't perceive any outcomes. To me I did well with sugars meeting my DRI, however with my protein I was at seventeen percent, and afterward my fat complete was something like 30%. I was so amazed at the numbers they were way off the mark to my desires it was a major disappointment. I discovered that during these three days I didn’t meet my required DRI on the grounds that I don’t eat right. I attempted to eat a fair feast each day, yet it was hard in light of the fact that I can abandon eating now and again so my food admission was bad I eat a ton of inexpensive food or no food. I am not anyplace close to solid. I realize that I have to expand my protein admission to assist me with arriving at my objectives. I need to lose a little weight so I have to practice so my fat can begin leaving. I think good dieting is essential to my body. Good dieting will furnish my body with the supplements and vitality to enable my body to work appropriately. Supplements give my body vitality that I have to keep my synapses dynamic, the heart siphoning, and the muscle adaptable, and furthermore to stay aware of my 5-year old. To expand my fiber consumption I will attempt to eat all the more entire grain things. I will take out organic products juices I’ve discovered that they don't contain a lot of fiber if any whatsoever. I will likewise eat more beans. On the off chance that you have lacking admission of supplements it can confine your body’s resistance. It will likewise restrict your body from reconstructing its self from the every day exercises and won't permit your muscles to remake themselves. A few people don’t realize this can make individuals have sporadic defecations, get diseases, and abatement your capacity to recall things, so you truly need to get the best possible supplements, and nutrients that you need since we just have one body. I have discovered that I have not all that great dietary patterns for one with regards to eating well that isn't me I don't generally have breakfast and that is the most ideal approach to begin your day. Despite the fact that my dietary patterns are not very good I discovered that it isn't past the point where it is possible to transform them. I should simply take each day in turn and start by eating each day.
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Interpersonal Neurobiology for Studying Healthy Minds
Interpersonal Neurobiology for Studying Healthy Minds Theories Biological Psychology Print Interpersonal Neurobiology for Studying Healthy Minds By Jenev Caddell, PsyD facebook twitter linkedin Jenev Caddell, PsyD, is a licensed psychologist, relationship coach, and author. Learn about our editorial policy Jenev Caddell, PsyD Updated on June 24, 2019 Jasper Cole/Getty Images More in Theories Biological Psychology Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Psychosocial Psychology Interpersonal neurobiology is essentially an interdisciplinary field which brings together many areas of science including but not limited to anthropology, biology, linguistics, mathematics, physics, and psychology to determine common findings of the human experience from different perspectives. Interpersonal neurobiology ultimately has brought such fields together to create a definition of the human mind and what the mind needs for maximum health. History Dr. Dan Siegal, a pioneer in the field of mental health, is known for his work on interpersonal neurobiology and is an expert on mindfulness. He completed his medical degree at Harvard University and post-graduate studies at UCLA to become a psychiatrist, with training in child, adolescent and adult psychiatry. He is a world-renowned author and educator, having lectured for His Holiness the Dalia Lama, Pope John Paul II and the King of Thailand. Defining the Mind Using Interpersonal Neurobiology In the early 1990s, Dan Siegal found that despite being among psychiatrists and other professionals in mental health, no one really had a clear definition of mental health or even the mind. He came to define the mind by highlighting its relational underpinnings. In other words, we are who we are, as we are, in relation to one another. He posits that the mind is a relational process that essentially regulates the flow of energy, hence, the interpersonal of interpersonal neurobiology. In his proclaimed audiobook, The Neurobiology of We, Siegal discusses how identity is not contained so much within an individual, but between individuals. The Theory Behind Interpersonal Neurobiology At its core, interpersonal neurobiology holds that we are ultimately who we are because of our relationships. Further, because the mind is defined as a relational process that regulates energy flow, our brains are constantly rewiring themselves. All relationships change the brain, particularly the most intimate ones, like the ones with our primary caregivers or romantic partners. While it was once thought that our early experiences defined who we are, interpersonal neurobiology holds that our brains are constantly being reshaped by new relationships. Proving this theory correct is an experiment that demonstrates how a short-term dose of effective couples therapy, namely emotionally focused therapy, can change the way the brain responds to fear and threat. This is but one of many neuroimaging studies that demonstrate how the brain can change over time based on relationships and new experiences. We are more social than we realize. Social pain is coded similarly in the brain to physical pain: Both forms of pain signal danger to our survival. Interpersonal neurobiology adds to the growing body of research that demonstrates just how social we are. Because interpersonal neurobiology stresses the importance of healthy relationships for a healthy mind, it also stresses the importance of taking good care of your connections with others. Implications Interpersonal neurobiology offers great hope to all trauma survivors, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, and their patients. Interpersonal neurobiology explores how the brain grows and changes based on relationships. Positive relationships beget positive changes, which yields healing for those who have suffered from trauma.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Operational Functions Of Operations Management - 1094 Words
INTRODUCTION Operations management is the process that transforms inputs into goods and services that add value for the customer. It maximises efficiency and effectively fulfils customer needs. Operations are one of the three strategic functions of any organization. This means that it is a vital part of accomplishing the organization s strategy and ensuring its long-term survival (Boundless, 2015). Characteristics of Operations Management †¢ Core function in an organisation †¢ Exists in every type of department †¢ Most businesses are supported by operations, marketing and finance The areas that determine effective operations management - †¢ Service, product design †¢ Quality management †¢ Process, capacity design †¢ Location †¢ Layout design †¢ Human resources †¢ Supply-chain management †¢ Inventory management †¢ Scheduling †¢ Maintenance COMPANY PROFILE BlackBerry Limited (formerly known as Research in Motion Limited) is a mobile communications company introduced in 1999. It provides software for managing mobile devices. It offers platform for messaging like BlackBerry Messenger. BlackBerry s software and hardware products are used worldwide by various government s agencies and by car makers and industrial plants throughout the world, much of this activity being unseen by the public. Their increase in popularity and market share led to stiff competition against Apple and android. BlackBerry (BB) has its own OS named QNX. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Data Analysis And Results Of Classroom Management
Data Analysis and Results: In this section explain the steps you took to score and analyze the data you collected with each of the data collection tools. Report this in a factual form and do not tell it like a story. Once you explained how you analyzed your data, present your actual results. If you had quantitative data, your results should include data sets, percentages, a mean, change from one data collection point to another, a table and graph, if possible. Do not let your tables and graphs â€Å"speak for themselves†; rather, explain the results that you think that the tables and graphs show. Analyze qualitative data by: o Transitions: All 3 correlated with transitions helping with time and flow. o Classroom management: All 3 correlated o Use of formative assessment was found to help student’s engagement throughout. o Classroom management was a common theme among my data as well that showed being better able to pace lessons. Triangulation: Both my Critical friend and journaling collection tools agreed that classroom management has a big impact on how lessons and activity pacing will go. My own journaling indicated a numerous amount of times that my teachers classroom management helped with her lesson pacing. I journaled that she used Dojo point system to give and take away points to students. This helped with behavioral issues in the classroom and gave students a way to stay focused to earn points as a result. My critical friend stated that I used effective transitionsShow MoreRelatedThe Between Regulations And Quality1271 Words  | 6 PagesSakai, Howes, 2004). NAEYC accredited programs were more stringent in regulations and higher in quality than regular state licensing (Apple). 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Anytime data is collectedRead MoreTeachers and Colleagues in the Action Research Process1457 Words  | 6 Pagesindividual classrooms (2005). However, in order for all educators to really reap the benefits of an action-research plan, there really needs to be clear instructional layout so that the action-research plan is presented in a lucid and attainable manner. According to Hewitt and Little, The action research process involves four phases: 1. Identifying a classroom problem. 2. Developing and implementing an action research plan. 3. Collecting and analyzing data. 4. Using and sharing results. (2005)Read MoreThe Dimensions Of Effective Classroom Practice1248 Words  | 5 Pagescomponents: 1) Analysis of quantitative observation and survey data to identify underlying dimensions of effective classroom practice, 2) the use of NVivo (a computer-as sited analysis package) to analyze qualitative interviews and detailed observation field notes, 3) the development of analytical matrices at the teacher level, and 4) the creation of individual teacher profiles (Kingston, Sammons, Day and Regan, 2011). Dimensions of effective classroom practice Dimensions of effective classroom practiceRead MoreClassroom Behavior Management And Its Effects On Students Behavior Essay947 Words  | 4 PagesClassroom behavior management is considered to be one of the most important factors to determine student’s behaviors. With that being said, the study evaluated classroom behavior strategies that are aligned with Positive Behavioral Interventions Supports (Reinke, Herman Stormont, 2013). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Importance of Computer Literacy Free Essays
Importance of Computer Literacy Computer literacy is having up to date knowledge of computers and their capabilities. One of the more popular aspects of the computer is the use of the internet. The internet is a worldwide collection of networks that links millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Computer Literacy or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was originally started by the Pentagon for scientists and military to put information and their studies on a network that was easily shared with one another. They also designed it so it could function even when part of the network is disabled by a terrorist attack or natural disaster. The servers allow connection between other computers by linking it to its network, to allow clients to communicate. Today, there is no one controller or person in charge of the internet, it is publicly accessed, but there are major corporations that oversee everything. Knowing how computers and the internet function together is very important. A computer is an electronic device, functioning under the control of directions stored in its own memory, which can admit data according to specified guidelines, produce results, and store the results for future use. The main purpose of a computer is to process data into information, or output, that people can understand. Data, or input, is a collection of unprocessed items, which include text, numbers, images, audio, and video. The series of input, output, storage activities, communication actions, and system unit are part of the information processing cycle. In order to complete these functions there are many electrical and mechanical components in a computer called hardware. One advantage of all these components is that they are very reliable and rarely break and need replacing. First there is the input device, which is any hardware component that allows you to enter data and commands into a computer. The advantage of input is that it is consistent, whatever it is given it will produce the same results during the output. Five commonly used input devices are the keyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner, and web cam. Next, there is the output device, which is any hardware component that conveys information to one or more people such as a printer, monitor, and speakers. Then, the system unit is a case that holds the electronic mechanisms of the computer that are used to route data. The system unit is linked to a circuit board called the motherboard. The two main components of the motherboard are the processor and memory. The processor, also known as the CPU (central processing unit) is the electrical component that interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate the computer. Memory consists of electronic components that store instructions waiting to be executed and data needed by those instructions. One of the main advantages of the computer is its speed. When data flows through the circuits it is moving incredibly fast, processing billions and trillions of operations in a single second. Next, the storage device is used to hold data, instructions, and information for future use. A computer keeps these on storage media like memory cards or USB flash drives. A storage device records and retrieves items to and from the storage media. The storage availability on a computer is a huge benefit because you can store enormous amounts of data and process it anytime. Finally, a communication device is a hardware component that enables a computer to transmit and receive data, instructions, and information to from one or more computers or mobile devices. This is highly beneficial considering most computers today communicate with each other. This capability allows computers to share their processing life cycles with other people. The completion and understanding of the information processing life cycle of computers allows users to access so much more information than previous generations. Just owning a computer is still limiting its capabilities if you are not using the internet though. In Bill Gates’ The Road Ahead, he discusses how the internet is an â€Å"information highway†and that there is lots of materials out there, but you use filters to help you find what you need. The internet is like also like a highway because the information that you request passes through many networks until it reaches you. First, the computer initiates a request of data specific to the IP (internet protocol) address currently in use, then transfers that request through the modem to the central cable system, that proceeds to an even larger central cable system. The ISP routes your request to the appropriate destination server. Finally, the server receives your request and responds. This all happens within a few seconds depending on how fast your internet is. In order to use the internet you will need a web browser. A web browser is application software that connects mobile devices or computers to the internet. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Google Chrome are some the most popular web browsers. Once the web browser is set up, you are able to set a home page, or the website that will appear every time you open your browser. It is most common to have your homepage setting to a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. A search engine is a program that finds websites, webpages, videos, and news that is related to a key word or subject. When the search engine finds the results it provides hyperlinks and short descriptions about the webpages related to your search. Gates compares these filters to using a library catalog (Gates, 1995). This makes navigating the internet very simple and easy to use to help from too much information piling up on you. When using computers and the internet, it would also be beneficial to apply application software. Application software consists of programs made specifically to make people more productive. It also assists with personal tasks. It is designed to make business activities more efficient, help with graphics and multimedia projects, to support home, personal, and educational duties, and to facilitate communication. One of the more popular uses of the computer is the easily navigated communication software. E-mailing is very popular among schools and businesses as a way to relay information. Texts, pictures, and video messages can all be transferred wirelessly from mobile devices to computers to share. Video conferencing helps meetings between geographically separated people. Nick Wingfield, a reporter for the New York Times posted a video talking about Microsoft’s buy out of Skype and was discussing the company’s direction. He talked about how they are trying to make a business platform for Skype conference calls on Windows 8 (Wingfield, 2012). This would be great and could possibly change how the working world does business. A lot of people are able to work from home through e-mail or conference calls, but if Skype comes out with something specifically for distance meetings this could cut out the need to go to the office all together for some businesses. This would mean saving time and gas on driving, more family interaction, and companies could save money on office space. If everyone worked from home location wouldn’t even matter, cost of living would go down in places like New York and D. C. My brother is already allowed to do this as a patent examiner for the US government and only has to fly in from Michigan to DC when certain clients want to see him. I think businesses will slowly move more towards using this application software more heavily in the future. I don’t see how getting information faster and more effective could be bad at all. By browsing the internet with easy use of search engines we will be able to learn more and faster and wasting less time looking. Some people may be afraid of the advances in computers like NPR’s Chris Arnold talked about â€Å"The race against the machine†and how super computers like Jeopardy’s WATSON can do the research of 500 lawyers at once (Arnold, 2011). Yes, this may take away the need for lawyers because computers make research easier, but technology constantly being upgraded and increasing in households jobs will be made up in the field of computer science. The fact that more and more jobs will be created for computer scientist or at least involve using computer technologies is why being computer literate is so important. Overall, I believe that computers are only improving society and breaking boundaries between nations. We are able to receive and understand information faster than ever before. Generation Y spends most of their time on the online through computers, smart phones, or video games. I think it should be mandatory that grade schools and high schools teach basic computer classes, and that college should require an elementary computer science class as well. This is because the modern world is one that relies on technological communication and work skills so to not have them is no longer feasible. Works Cited Arnold, C. (2011, November 13). How technology is eliminating higher skilled jobs. NPR Podcast. Podcast retrieved from http://www. npr. org/2011/11/03/141949820/how-technology-is-eliminating-higher-skill-jobs Gates, B. , Myhrvold, N. , Rinearson, P. (1995). The road ahead: Completely revised and up to date. New York, NY. Penguin Group. Wingfield, N. (Reporter). New York Times (Producer). (2012, May 29). Interview conducted over skype. Video: Microsoft and skype. Video retrieved from http://bits. blogs. nytimes. com/2012/05/29/video-microsoft-and-skype/ How to cite Importance of Computer Literacy, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
SETI Program Essays - Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence
SETI Program Bertrand Russell wrote, "There are two possibilities. Maybe we are alone. Maybe we are not. Both are equally frightening (Jakosky 1)." The question of life in the universe is one that leaves many in a state of bewilderment. It becomes even more interesting when it leads to another question ? that of intelligent life in the universe. Finding other intelligent civilizations among the interstellar space would greatly affect every aspect of our existence. Conversely, not finding such a civilization would force us to examine the purpose of our own existence. To help answer the question, astronomers and scientists set up a program in search for extraterrestrial intelligence. This program, or SETI, was set up to verify, by observation that extraterrestrial life does exist. SETI tries to prove this by picking up and analyzing radio signals by means of satellites and advanced computers (Heidmann 116). The history of the SETI program is quite interesting. It started back in 1959 with the help of two famous Cornell University physicists, Guiseppi Cocconi and Phil Morrison. Both claimed that it would be possible to communicate with other potential extraterrestrial life in space by the use of techniques used in radio astronomy (Heidmann 112). Together, they voiced their belief that if other"alien astronomers" elsewhere in the universe possessed radio telescopes, that it would be possible to converse between the two (Heidmann 112-113). A young astronomer by the name of Francis Drake agreed with the theories of Cocconi and Morrison. He proposed building a radio receiver in order to listen for waves of sound being transmitted through space. It wasn't until the spring of 1960 that Drake began his first project of SETI, Ozma. In this project, he was the first to conduct a search for signals transmitted from other solar systems. For two tedious months, Drake pointed an eighty-five foot antenna in the direction of two starts the same age as our sun, Tau Ceti and Epsil. A single 100Hz-channel receiver scanned nearly 400kHz of bandwidth, for a repeated series of patterned pulses that would indicate an intelligent message (Heidmann 113-144). Unfortunately, the only sound that came from the speaker was static. Though no intelligent life was found and project Ozma proved to be nothing but a disappointment, it actually spurred the interest of others who created a feasible scientific objective ("Project Ozma"). In the 1960's the Soviet Union dominated much of the SETI program. However in the 1970's NASA's Ames Research center, located in California began to take over. After nearly a decade of study and preliminary research, the NASA headquarters fully funded and adopted the SETI program. However, five years later Congress ruled the program a foolish unnecessary scientific endeavor that wasted valuable funding. Congress then decided to not allow NASA to support SETI and terminated the funding ("History of SETI"). Despite the obstacle, the SETI program was reborn, forming the SETI Institute. It's first privately funded project, Project Phoenix, is the world's most sensitive and comprehensive search for extraterrestrial intelligence that listens to radio signals being transmitted our way. The project focuses on Northern Stars by scanning only those that are sun-like and are more capable of supporting life (Heidmann 146). The Phoenix Project is only one of the many projects run for the search of extraterrestrial intelligence, but is one of the most important. Another highly significant project in the search for other life would be the project run by the Columbus Optical SETI Observatory, or COSETI. This project was formed to promote the optical search for extraterrestrial intelligence. In other words, it seeks to detect pulsed and continuous wave laser beacon signals in the visible and infrared spectrums. Until 1998 however, little, or nothing was ever said to indicate that there might possibly be a sensible optical approach to SETI. Many researchers believe that extraterrestrials, if they exist, are so sophisticated that they would use lasers for their communications rather than radio waves. It is said that by the year 2005 that most SETI activities will be of the optical kind and that the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) could also be retrofitted for COSETI. ("The Optical"). One of the more recent projects that we are faced with today is the [emailprotected] Home Project. This project allows the general public to get involved in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence by allowing them to use their home computers to search for signs of radio signals being transmitted to Earth from space (Kahney, "A Search"). Supposedly, anyone is able to participate by running a free program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data. The
Saturday, March 21, 2020
How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay on Consumer Behavior
How to Write a Critical Thinking Essay on Consumer Behavior Consumer behavior is an exciting subject to study and a necessity for business majors. In fact, business students wishing to understand the whys and how’s of modern day marketing needs to learn the ins and outs of consumer behavior first hand. Understanding this need, professors encourage their students to learn beyond their teachings by assigning critical thinking essays. If your instructor just told you to write one, you may think that this is a challenge you are not up for. Luckily, the following guide details a template for writing critical thinking essays which you can use for any subject, including consumer behavior. Pre-Writing Stage Before you even start, you have to pick a topic for your paper. If you have trouble choosing a topic, select one from our list of 20 topics on consumer behavior for a critical thinking essay or be inspired to come up with your own after reading our 13 facts on consumer behavior for a critical thinking essay. Next comes research; look up authoritative sources and carefully read through the best materials on the subject. Finally, outline the main points and analyze the argument presented. The following are some important tips you should keep in mind throughout this stage: Reflect on what you have just read. Consider the authority of the source of information. Identify the conclusion of the argument. See how the argument is formed, step by step. Evaluate the merit of the evidence presented. Observe how the information is presented (table, text, maps, charts, etc.). Learn to recognize the difference among facts, opinions and opinions. Check if the facts are biased. Weigh the evidence and present your own argument. Complete this step successfully and more than half your work will be done. Now, it is time to move on to actually writing the essay. Introduction Since it is the first paragraph of your essay, your introduction needs to help readers identify your chosen topic. Present the context of the topic and then move on to the thesis. The thesis is the central idea of your paper, so it needs to be clear, direct, and strongly worded. End this section in a way that provides your reader with overview of what they are about to read. Main Body Use the first few paragraphs to summarize your main ideas. Each of these ideas must support your thesis and be thoroughly elaborated on in the subsequent paragraphs. Basically, you should write out the idea and then present evidence supporting it. This evidence will work in favor of your point. In case you are wondering, three to five paragraphs are enough to support a thesis. Once you are done with this part, you need to tackle the other side’s arguments and objections. Address these in a separate paragraph while highlighting why these criticisms are not applicable. Conclusion This is the part where you tie all the strings of your different arguments into a clear statement. Describe the implications and importance of your findings and restate your thesis in a coherent manner to drive the point home. Include any unaddressed avenue as a potential direction for future research. This template will help you draft a critical thinking essay on consumer behavior. Follow its steps and stick to its guidelines unless your instructor provides you with their own formatting requirements.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Brady Act Background Checks, History, and Application
Brady Act Background Checks, History, and Application The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act is perhaps the most controversial federal gun control law enacted since the Gun Control Act of 1968, and several events in the U.S. led to its creation and enactment. In an effort to deny guns to those who would misuse them, it requires firearms dealers to perform an automated background check on prospective buyers of all rifles, shotguns or handguns. Brady Bill History On March 30, 1981, 25-year old John W. Hinckley, Jr. tried to impress actress Jodi Foster by assassinating President Ronald Reagan with a .22 caliber pistol. While he accomplished neither, Hinckley did manage to wound President Reagan, a District of Columbia police officer, a Secret Service agent, and White House Press Secretary James S. Brady. While he survived the attack, Brady remains partially disabled. Driven largely by the reaction to the assassination attempt and Mr. Bradys injuries, the Brady Act was passed, requiring background checks on all persons attempting to purchase a firearm. These background checks must be performed or applied by federally licensed firearms dealers (FFLs). NICS: Automating the Background Checks Part of the Brady Act required the Department of Justice to establish the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) which can be accessed by any licensed firearms dealer by telephone or any other electronic means for immediate access to any criminal information on prospective gun purchasers. Data is fed into the NICS by the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, and state, local, and other federal law enforcement agencies. Who Cannot Buy a Gun? Between 2001 and 2011, the FBI reports that over 100 million Brady Act background checks were performed, resulting in more than 700,000 gun purchases being denied. People who may be prohibited from purchasing a firearm as a result of data obtained from the NICS background check include: Convicted felons and people under indictment for a felonyFugitives from justiceUnlawful drug users or drug addictsIndividuals who have been determined to be mentally incompetentIllegal aliens and legal aliens admitted under a non-immigrant visaIndividuals who have been dishonorably discharged from the militaryPeople who have renounced their American citizenshipPeople under domestic violence restraining ordersPeople convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence crimes Note: Under current federal law, being listed on the FBI Terrorist Watchlist as a suspected or confirmed terrorist is not grounds for denial of a firearm purchase. Possible Outcomes of a Brady Act Background Check A Brady Act gun buyer background check can have five possible outcomes. Immediate Proceed: The check found no disqualifying information in the NICS and the sale or transfer can proceed subject to state-imposed waiting periods or other laws. Of the 2,295,013 NICS checks done during the first seven months the Brady Act was enforced, 73% resulted in an Immediate Proceed. The average processing time was 30 seconds.Delay: The FBI determined that data not immediately available in the NICS needs to be found. Delayed background checks are typically completed in about two hours.Default Proceed: When a National Instant Criminal Background Check System check cannot be completed electronically (5% of all checks), the FBI must identify and contact state and local law enforcement officials. The Brady act allows the FBI three business days to complete a background check. If the check cannot be completed within three business days, the sale or transfer may be completed although potentially disqualifying information might exist in the NICS. The dealer is not required to complete the sale and the FBI will continue to review the case for two more weeks. If the FBI discovers disqualifying information after three business days, they will contact the dealer to determine whether or not the gun was transferred under the default proceed rule. Firearm Retrieval: When the FBI finds that a dealer has transferred a gun to a prohibited person due to a default proceed situation, local law enforcement agencies, and ATF are notified and an attempt is made to retrieve the gun and take appropriate action, if any, against the buyer. During the first seven months, the NICS was in operation, 1,786 such firearms retrievals were initiated.Denial of Purchase: When the NICS check returns disqualifying information on the buyer, the gun sale is denied. During the first seven months of NICS operation, the FBI blocked 49,160 gun sales to disqualified people, a denial rate of 2.13 percent. The FBI estimates that a comparable number of sales were blocked by participating state and local law enforcement agencies. Typical Reasons for Denial of Gun Purchases During the first seven months in which Brady Act gun buyer background checks were performed, the reasons for denial of gun purchases broke down as follows: 76 percent - Criminal history of a felony8 percent - Criminal history of domestic violence6 percent - Criminal history of other offenses (multiple DUIs, non-NCIC warrants, etc.)3 percent - Criminal history of drug abuse3 percent - Domestic violence restraining orders What About the Gun Show Loophole? While the Brady Act has blocked more than three million gun sales to prohibited purchasers since taking effect in 1994, gun control advocates contend that up to 40 percent of gun sales occur in â€Å"no questions asked†transactions that often take place over the Internet or at gun shows where, in most states, background checks are not required. As a result of this so-called â€Å"gun show loophole,†the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence estimates that about 22% of all gun sales nationwide are not subjected to Brady background checks. In an effort to close the loophole, the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2015 (H.R. 3411) was introduced in the House of Representatives on July 29, 2015. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), would require Brady Act background checks for all gun sales including sales made over the Internet and at gun shows. Since 2013, six states have enacted similar laws.
Monday, February 17, 2020
ISMG 3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
ISMG 3000 - Essay Example The strategic objective of this project is therefore to create dynamic business application portfolio, create a solid foundation for organizational portfolio governance that work in supporting each business process, and stimulate a strong understanding amongst the application effects and subsequent desired organizational goals. The proposed system will be essential in providing organizational decision makers with a basis for decision on issues relating to current portfolio and IT related needs in specific areas of business system functionality, related cost, system quality and overall benefit to the business. Proposed IT Strategic Objective: The new Information Services will enable MDCM’s business objective of creating a dynamic business of absolute commitment to delivering quality parts and assemblies on time by establishing strong IT foundation that continuously transform employees’ performance and creating a platform that guarantees customer efficiency and business operations that continuously builds on the realms of Horizon 2000. Within the organizational analysis, important application issues are of primary significance to this portfolio process and identified into; financial system with diverse legacy systems in financial reporting and handling, human resource administration system, sales and marketing, material planning, logistic, duty and irregular custom inspection, e-mail and communication, networking and interconnectivity and organizational database. An application portfolio process designed to determine continuously solutions to the identified issues. Within this respect, possible application portfolio projects include; designing and implementing ERP, creation of a company intranet, consolidating data centers and networks, standardization of the server hardware, improving group support systems, creation of a
Monday, February 3, 2020
Life of Muhammad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Life of Muhammad - Essay Example The past scriptures are the most accurate sources of information about the history of the Muslim community. The writings found in the books such as the Quran adequately inform about the history of early Islam and related practices. The Muslim holy book is comprehensive in tracing the events that Muslims went through, the practices they engaged in and their lifestyles (culture) capturing the changes experienced from Mecca to Medina (Deen 126). It is regarded by the Muslims as the true word of God. The fact that it addresses some of the difficulties the Muslim community of that time went through makes it a valuable tool for digging the occurrences that the people experienced. Consequently, Hadith is another essential source of information about the history of Islam. The abundant information about the history of Islam today has been sourced from hadiths. Muslim laws that are still practiced today are based on the writings inscribed in the hadiths. The fact that hadiths were written during the ancient times makes them reliable. They provide factual information about the practices and lives lived by the Muslim community in the early times. For instance, Muhammad himself wrote a hadith about the interpretations he had about the religious life of the Muslims. Significantly, the Muhammad’s biography written to unfold the life of Muhammad both found in the Quran and Ibn Ishaq’s work reveals more deeply the history of Islam. The struggles and challenges Muhammad went through and the works he carried out are well documented in various works. For instance, Ibn Ishaq lived in the ancient times when Muhammad was still alive and his reports are believed to be an accurate reflection of what exactly constituted Prophet Muhammad’s life. The Dome of the Rock has also explored the practices and movements of the Muslim community extensively (Lings 110). There are also secondary sources that attempt to demonstrate the history of Islam. Films such as Life of Muhammad have
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Pumps industries and scope of submersible
Pumps industries and scope of submersible Overview Of Pumps Industries And Scope Of Submersible Pumps In Global Market Indias economy is based mainly on agriculture and it is the backbone of the country. Indias agriculture depends upon the timely monsoon and the amount of rainfall in any year. To avoid the uncertainty and vagaries of the monsoon, farmers in India resort to various methods of irrigation. India, being a vast country with much variation in geographical conditions, needs several irrigation techniques. In areas of shallow water levels (1-6 metres head axial flow or mixed flow pumps are used to lift water. Where water levels are at 6-40 metres head or on river sides, mostly radial flow pumps are used. For deep bore wells submersible or jet or compressor pumps are used depending on head and discharge requirements and on availability of water in the bore well (yield). Pumps are the vital elements in an enormous range of fluid handling applications and range from small household pumps to immense units utilized in the water, chemical and energy industries. Pump performance requirements and duties vary considerably in terms of material of construction, wide range of temperature, pressure, viscosity, density etc. Pumps are employed in almost all the industries. Pumps Industry In India The first electric motor in India was manufactured in Coimbatore in 1930 and thereafter the motor pump industry expanded rapidly there. Today 60% of Indias requirements of domestic and agricultural pumpsets are made in Coimbatore. The Southern India Engineering Manufacturers Association (SIEMA) (established in 19522)has 215 members, most of whom manufacture motors and pumps of various types. Indian pumps are made according to the specifications of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). Coimbatore (with 1.2 million population) is also famous for Textile machinery manufacture and is rated sixth in the world. It is called the â€Å"Manchester†of South India due to the presence of hundreds of spinning mills, cloth and garment manufacturing units in and around Coimbatore. Besides Coimbatore, Ahmedabad, Baroda, Calcutta and Dewas and the other places where agricultural pumps industries are situated. Similarly Rajkot, Agra and Kolhapur are famous for oil engines and Rajkot alone acco unts for 50 percent of engines production. Special Criteria For Motor And Pumps Design: Apart from the general requirements for motor and pump design such as rating, power factor, head, discharge and efficiency, the following factors are to be considered during design of pumpsets. 1) In India, the three phase electricity power supply to villages varies from 240 450 volts with a 47.5 to 51 cycle frequency (standard 415 volt and 50 cycle frequency). Average power supply is 6 to 8 hours daily during summer and most of the time, power supply is around 240 300 volts. In the single phase, voltage varies from 140 250 volts. 2) During summer the ambient temperature is 35 to 40 degree calcius with dry humidity, when hear dissipation by motors or engines is poor. Hence pumpsets are designed for such extreme conditions. 3) The literacy level in Indian villages is very low as is the economy. Consequently, people cannot afford to spend on the maintenance of equipment. Hence, motors, pumps and engines are designed for easy installation, trouble free operation, and easy maintenance for a long service period. Small Industries Testing And Research Centre. ( SITARC) This centre was set up in 1986 for testing motors, pumps, monoblocks, submersible pumps, raw materials and for calibration of instruments. SIEMA contributed an 8,000 m2 piece of land to SITARC where the testing centre is now functioning. The present cost of the land is approximately US$ 500 000. SITARC has the following divisions and facilities: Ø Mechanical, electrical, materials testing and meteorology divisions Ø Research and development, design and engineering divisions Ø HRD/consultancy/information cell Ø Prototyping products and tools in model tool room SITARC is approved as a research centre by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. It is accredited by NABL in the disciplines of mechanical, electrical, chemical and fluid flow and recognized by the Bureau of Indian Standards for ISI testing. Test certificates are recognized by the Export Inspection Agency, RITES, Ministry of Defence, State Electricity Board and the State Water and Drainage Board. SITARC Pump Institute funded by UNDP, UNIDO, Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu, is in the process of setting up the most modern pump testing institute. The cost of the project is US$ 5 million. Product Quality And Performance Of Pumps Industries At Global Level: The BIS assists exporters and industry to meet international standards and quality specifications for global acceptance through its standards formulation, certification, technical and other related activities. BIS is actively involved in the International Organization for Standardlization (ISO) and International Electro- Technical Commission (IEC) and also participates in various technical committees of ISO and IEC. Product quality begins from the selection of raw materials. The BIS has defined materials specifications for each component of pumps and motors and has specified time schedules for calibration of gauges, meters and other tools used in regular testing of pumps. All industries are required to keep calibration records of their equipment and meters. It is mandatory that qualified and properly trained technicians and inspectors are appointed to conduct testing. Most industries have their own quality control systems which are used during the manufacturing stages of each component. A few SIEMA member units are beginning to obtain ISO 9001 and ISO 9002 system certification. Medium and large scale industries use the latest model CNC machines and fully computerized testing facilities to achieve the desired quality. BIS has issued separate standard specifications for each type of pump. Similarly, testing facilities for agricultural, Jet and Submersible pumps are also specified by BIS to be followed by the industries. Each pump manufactured will undergo the following testing procedure before dispatch. Routine Test For Motor: 1) No load current, watts, speed (clock wise and anti clockwise) 2) Breakaway test to find starting torque 3) Full load test of watts, amps, speed, power factor, efficiency slip and temperature 4) For single phase motor, test for moisture proof and current leakage for user safety Routine test for Monoblock in addition to motor test: 5) Test for overall efficiency of the monoblock 6) Test for guarantee of Performance at duty point 7) Overload test in operational range. Because of such a stringent quality control system, pumpsets thus manufactured will have high reliability and superior performance. Types, Perfomance range and price of Indian Pumps at Global Level: 1) Axial flow pumps 2) Monoblock pumps- single phase (240 Volts) 3) Jet centrifugal combination pumps 4) Monoblock pumps- three phase (415 Volts) 5) Submersible Pumpsets 6) Direct coupled or belt driven centrifugal pumps Axial Flow Pumps Axial flow pumps or propeller pumps are used for a head range of 1-6 metres and give high discharge. No priming is necessary for this pumps and it operates at 80-90 percent of pump efficiency. Capacity Head Rnage (cm) output lps 5-30 HP 1-6M 60/300 Prices for Axial flow pumps vary depending on the requirements of head and discharge. Single Phase 2880 Rpm Centrifugal Monoblocks These pumpsets are easy to install, lightweight, ruggedly built and designed for trouble free operation. They are of monoblock construction with a common shaft for the motor and pump. High efficiency of these pumps minimizes power charges. Numerous applications include irrigation of small land holdings, garden, domestic water supply and circulating systems. Motor are made of TEFC body and covers are of cast iron with capacitor start and run, Class â€Å"B†insulation running at 2880 RPM and enclosures with protection IP44 IP 55. Pumps are of end suction, centrifugal design. Castings are of cast iron. Impellers are bronze and dynamically balanced. These Monoblocks are fitted with high quality mechanical seals for long reliable life. Jet Centrifugal Pump Combination Sets These pumpsets are used in borewells are openwells where suction depth is 8-60 metres. They are easy to install on borewells of 75 mm (3†) and larger. As there are no moving parts inside the borewell jet units, maintenance is easier than with submersible pumps. Jet units are available in many sizes for various suction lifts. Three Phase Monoblock Pumpsets Motors are the TEFC 1440/2880 RPM squirrel case induction type. Pumps are the single stage, and suction type and are fitted with cast iron impellers and castings. Stainless steel bushes and brass impeller locking nuts are provided at the pump ent. Gunmetal gland, stainless steel studs and brass nuts are fitted to avoid rusting and to make it easy to replace asbestos packing ropes. Various models are available in monoblock range for selection to meet specific requirements. Three Phase Submersible Pumpsets Submersible motors are designed to operate with 250/450 volts, 50 Hz, 3 phase AC supply. They are fitted with wet type, water-filled, water lubricated squirrel cage induction motors. The motor casing is of stainless steel. The starter winding is made of PVC/Polyester film, wrapped around waterproof copper winding wires. The rotor laminations are fitted with electrolytic grade copper rods, and the ends are brazed with forged copper end rings, mounted on a stainless steel shaft, which is hardened and ground to ensure long life. The shaft is supported by two sets of leaded bronze journal bearings lubricated by water. The Axial thrust generated by the pump is absorbed by a thrust bearing fitted at the bottom of the motor. The motor is seated on radial seal rings. The pump is of multistage centrifugal design, with radial or mixed flow impellers which are of bronze and dynamically balanced. The diffusers are designed to give best possible efficiency and are built into the castings with replaceable guide bushes for easy maintenance. The pump shaft is made of stainless steel hardened and ground. A strainer is fitted at the inlet of pump to prevent entry of solid particles. Single phase submersible pumpsets suitable for 100 to 115 mm borewells are also available. Submersible pumps can be installed in bore wells and very deep wells for irrigation schemes, domestic uses and industrial requirements. Submersible pumps are versatile and are suitable for sprinkler irrigation schemes as booster pumps. Submersible Pumps Suitable For 150 Mm Bore Diameter Direct coupled and belt driven centrifugal pumps are single stage, radial flow and suction type with horizontal shaft and vertically split casings. Pumps are fitted with pulleys or with flexible couplings, to be driven by electric motors or diesel engines. Direct coupled pumps are supplied with a common base plate for fixing the drive units. Diesel Engine Vertical four stroke cycle, single cylinder compression ignition â€Å" water cooled†/ â€Å"air cooled†cold star diesel engine. Diesel engines are designed as prime movers for agriculture, with high efficiency, low fuel and lubricating oil consumption. Grade: 15 and Grade: 20 cast iron and EN 9 matetials are used in the manufacture of these engines. Rigid inspection of components at every stage of the assembly makes every part easily interchangeable. Each engine is tested thoroughly for speed, output and fuel consumption according to the BIS specifications. Thermo-Syphen or a fresh water system is used for wated cooled engines. A blower is attached with a fly wheel for air cooled engines. Single cylinder diesel engines are manufactured up to 10 HP and for above 10 HP, multi cylinder diesel engines are manufactured according to specifications. Electrical Starters And Switches Starters for direct-on-line or manually operated Star-Delta models are suitable for 220 and 440 v-50 Hz, three phase or single phase A.C. These are built-in with over load and single phase protection with bimetal relay arrangements, silver oxide bimetal contacts and other standard features to protect the electric motor from varying supply conditions. Product Average Price FOB Durban $ 3-10 HP range 101 12.5 HP range 106 Three Phase Iron clad Switches (Rewireable): Capacity RatingAverage Price FOB Durban ($) 16 amps 16 32 amps 30 63 amps 69 100 amps 140 Indian Pump Industry Poised To Increase Global Share The Indian Pump manufacturers have traditionally catered to the needs of domestic market. In India, pumps are mainly used for pumping water from wells in households. With the effect of LPG (Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization) the Indian pump manufacturers have started exporting to foreign countries, where pumps are used for various purposed in different industrial sectors like, oil refineries, steel mills, mines etc. This has led to the increasing trend in export of pumps. Indian Pump Industry is capturing more and more market in the world. Exported to around 70 to 80 Countries, the Indian pump industry is poised to register a faster growth rate than the global average to capture a bigger slice of the international market, states an industry. ‘The Indian Pump industry is set to grow at 6-7 percent over the next three years as against the world pump market, which stands at euro 10 billion and is expected to grow at 4.0 percent per annum, says by Y.I Buch, president of Indian pump Manufacturers Association, in press released published on IndiaPRwire.com. The Industry, which currently has euro 500 million global market share, ‘is expected to grow at a rate faster than the world pump market growth, capturing a larger share of the market, states the study released by the Confederation of Indian Industry(CII). Among machinery, pumps are produced and used in the largest numbers, second only to electric motors. According to industry estimates, India currently produces around one million pumps of various kinds an uses worth around Rs. 900 large, medium and small units producing pumps in the country catering to a range of sectors from agriculture to industries including nuclear power generation. ‘Indian pump manufacturers are able to meet most of the domestic market demand, states Sarita Nagpal, head of manufacturing services of CII, which works closely with the Indian Pump Mnaufacturing Association. Exported to 70 countries, including developed countries, Indian pump industry exports have registered 11 percent growth in the last two years after reversing a negative 11.5 percent trend in 2002-03 to clock 45 percent growth in 2003-04. ‘India has today become a reliable, technically competent, competitive and enterprising outsourcing option for many multinational companies in industrial pumps and systems, said Buch. The growth story has emerged through technical collaborations and joint ventures that Indian companies have had with multinational majors. ‘Technical know how of global standard has thus been well absorbed, Buch said. In addition, various research institutes such as the Small Industries Testing and Research Centre (SiTarc) in Coimbatore, have developed energy-efficient designs for pumps to meet the norms of Indian Standards, keeping in mind manufacturing feasibility with only the basic facilities of small-scale sector. The Indian Pump Industry has an outstanding record of indigenous research and development in all three areas of technological intensities from mass produced pumps for agriculture to gigantic pumps for interlinking rivers, and pumps for critical services such as nuclear power generation, said Nagpal. Keeping pace with changing global standards, the Bureau of Indian Standards has developed 42 sepcifications for indigenous pumps. Till date no other country in the world has set specific norms for minimum efficiency. The norms for minimum efficiency have also been periodically upgraded, such that even the minimum norms are close to 95 percent of internationally recognized ‘chart efficiencies, said Nagpal. Spares, Accessories, Availability And Supply To Global Market For each pump, a trouble shooting and repairing manual, installation and maintenance hand book and spare parts catalogue I supplied to help the customer understand the procedure to follow in dismantling, reassembling and ordering spare parts. Centrifugal, monoblock, jet and submersible pumps consume minimum spares during their lifetime. The manufacturer will specify the required spares for each pump or batch of pumps ordered and these spare parts, can be supplied with the consignment. As most of the items are in regular production, any requirement can be met at short notice and delivery can be arranged. Service Assistance For Installation And Maintenance Centrifugal Pumps are easy to install and run. For Submersible and Jet Pumps, an installation guide book is provided with each pump. Proper training can be provided for a few mechanics at the suppliers premises. SITARC will also have training facilities for pump assembly, testing as well as installation techniques which can also be utilized. Further a few engineers can be made available to train local people at various centres by organizing seminars and classes. Joint Venture With Local Private People. In India economic reforms have been in progress since 1991. Joint ventures, either in India or with African countries are encouraged, depending on the requirements. Joint Ventures either in India or with African countries are encouraged, depending on the requirements. Joint Venture in Africa is possible when the requirement of pumpsets by value is US $ 3 to 4 million per year. Interested parties can contact SIEMA. Most MNCs were initially interested in exporting to the Indian market, but soon realized the need and economic viablility of indigenous manufacturing and working out a joint venture of foreign direct investment for manufacturing. Apart from labour being cheap, availability of technologically skilled and knowledgeable manpower with communicative competence made them to favourably consider the above. MNCs feel that manufacturing base in India can help not only to cater to this market but also to markets in Asia and Africa. Conclusion: It is hoped that the above information is useful. The similarity between India and Southern and East African countries in respect of soil, monsoon pattern, climate, water table, literacy levels, literacy levels, electric system and user method, makes Indian pumps ideal one for African countries.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Appropriate Technology Essay
Emerging economies all across Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East frequently look up to the developed ones in Europe and North America. This has less to do with cultural and social values and more to do with their relative level of prosperity. As Alex Steffen (2006, pp. 18-19) asserts, the kids of Cape Town and Novosibirsk don’t want to be Americans, rather they want to be who they are but with the benefits of technological modernity and development. Many pundits wrongly presume that improving less-developed communities requires implementation of a Rostovian model of development – linear evolution from certain economic states to more sophisticated ones – but the problem is that they have limited success in nations where there are deficits in political will, infrastructure and in some cases, resources. As the Sustainable Times (2008) notes, many of these nations are â€Å"worse off than before they began to ‘develop’.†Village Earth’s (n.d.) Appopriate Technology Sourcebook opines that the result has been the ‘modernization of poverty’ in which farmland ownership has becoming increasingly consolidated, communities have become divided and individuals must operate on the fringe of economic activity to survive. As it stands, much the success of Rostovian models of modernization and development in European and Northern American nation-states have been born from exploitation and colonialism, if not entirely unsustainable. Nonetheless, the issue of development (or lack thereof) descends to levels deeper than just material prosperity, but matters of acquiring basic amenities such as clean water, decent shelter and a reliable food supply. With the aforementioned deficits in mind, it becomes necessary to find creative ways of fulfilling these needs rather than relying on the centralized forms of development which keep developed nations from sliding into a grim meathook future. This is where appropriate technology comes in, which is quite literally technology that is appropriate to the needs of a certain community, and suited to its uniquely salient attributes. Most commonly, this means addressing the deficits that exist because of a lack of capital-intensive development particular to modern urbanity. But a more critical understanding of appropriate technology is the recognition that technology does not follow a single path. Instead it is about realizing that the uniqueness of communities has a particular bearing on what kind of technological future is best suited to their needs. As the Village Earth notes: â€Å"It is a way of thinking about technological change; recognizing that [it] can evolve along different paths toward different ends. It also [recognizes that technology embodies] cultural biases and sometimes have political and distributional effects that go beyond a strictly economic evaluation.†(Village Earth, n.d.) Appropriate technology can be divided between hard technology and soft technology. The former refers to the application of engineering, machine science, physical structures and other forms of material technology devoted towards the realization of economic goals, whilst technologies dealing with the essence of human interactions, motivational psychology and social structures fall under the category of soft technology. (Albertson & Faulkner, 1986) Environmentalists, particularly those of the bright green camp which embrace technological solutions to the concerns of the planet, are known to endorse appropriate technology because they posses many features that are relevant to issues of sustainability such as low cost implementation, maximization of limited resources and to some extent, the development of closed-loop systems which make such low-cost efficiency possible. For the most part, this involves employing creative solutions to common problems. Take for instance the problem of water supply in sub-Saharan Africa. For the vast majority of its people, acquiring water requires distant trips to water sources that are kilometers away. One solution to this is the Roundabout PlayPump, which utilizes the energy generated by children playing on an outdoor merry-go-round to pump underground water from depths of up to 40 meters into a 2,500 liter tank at the rate of 1,400 liters per hour. Over 500 of these pumps have been installed in South Africa, where clean water is scarce, and freeing children of the time they spend hauling water during after-school hours. (Danby, 2004) Another example of creative design is the Q-DRUM, which is essentially a wheel-shaped water container. It’s a simple approach – making a heavy barrel that bruises the neck and strains the spine into a rolling wheel – that makes you wonder why they didn’t think of it before. By running a rope through the wheel’s hole, the chore of water hauling becomes much less burdensome. (Project H Design, 2007) Surprisingly enough, low cost solutions are not limited to the simplest of needs. MIT-based inventor Amy Smith has developed many low cost solutions to problems in the developing Third World. One of her inventions is a method for producing charcoal, from agricultural waste such as sugar cane bagasse, for use as a cooking fuel. Previously, Haitians harvested trees for their cooking fuel and this innovation has been used to help address deforestation in Haiti, where thousands die annually from massive flooding. (Dean, 2004) Another invention of Smith’s is a phase-change incubator. She has also developed a phase-change incubator that relies on a highly portable fuel source – essentially a cheap chemical compound shaped into marble dimensions – to maintain a temperature of 37 °C for a period of 24 hours and obviating the need for an existing power grid, a concern all too common in the most lowly developed of communities. (Kennedy, 2003)
Friday, January 10, 2020
Life, Death, and Laws of Life Essay Topics
Life, Death, and Laws of Life Essay Topics An individual can also spend the advantage of visualization of information by using charts prepared by Excel on the grounds of input data. On the flip side, while it's Legos or Life, a comprehensive teardown and rebuild isn't always essential. As with any other spreadsheet program, additionally, it employs an assortment of cells that are organized in the types of rows and columns. Hire us and forget about all of the legal jargon and grammar rules that you want to follow in making a brilliant law essay. Rules are instructions a guide to assist you accomplish something. You also may be interested in business law essay topics. The company law for a subject can be classified among the toughest types of essay writing ever handled in the current education curriculum. Finding Laws of Life Essay Topics on the Web If you are attempting to increase your writing by yourself, without asking someone write my law essay for me, there is very little you're able to do. If something goes wrong, there is not anything that may block you from getting your money back. Regardless of what time it was. There are those inevitable times however that the ideal lawyer and the very best run of luck are just inadequate to get you from a criminal conviction. Very good luck to it and in case you have questions, comments, suggestions or would just like to inform me I suck then don't hesitate to send me a message. By means of this essay on law, you can offer the reader an exhaustive analysis of a specific subject with the assistance of the evidences. Our company has a distinctive button where it directs the user to the sort of law essay topic an individual might wish to read. In order to discover an impressive argumentative essay topic you should receive acquainted with elements of the subject issue. Since there is usually a counter argument for every single act inside this time, it wouldn't be as complicated to find a strong outline and finish to your paper. You should also pick a debate you know you can win! The point is that you could take your law of life essay topics only when you're fully happy with the content. The point of forced time is to create your competition and rivals hurry to create mistakes. Up in Arms About Laws of Life Essay Topics? For this reason, you cannot write an ideal law essays without developing the analyzing skills so that it is possible to understand what the huge picture is and what's the instructor expecting from you. There are a few awesome individuals changing the world through rule-breaking ideas today. These young men I would like to use to set example are people who always want any girl that pass their way. A complete illustration of forcing time in today's era. With a little zeal and hard work, you are certain to think of an impressive unlawful justice essay. Becoming in a position to compose a strong argument can help you succeed in society. A one sided conclusion-the goal of this paper is to demonstrate the strength of your viewpoint. What's required is a truly simple, overarching perspective. It is the job of everyone to understand the Law guiding his society in spite of the course studied by the individual. One of the greatest strategies to change anybody's mind is with an emotional investment. An individual who is not a parent can obviously not exercise those distinctive rights. The Nuiances of Laws of Life Essay Topics Law Essay Profy can help you. Rules aren't static they evolve. Private Law really isn't the very same with public Law. In the same manner, Constitutions Law isn't the exact same with criminal Law, though they're all Law.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Child Development 0-19 Yrs - 6074 Words
Time line of physical and language development of children from 0-19yrs age: The table presents an overview of child development from birth to nineteen years of age. The time frames are averages and children may achieve the developmental milestones earlier or later but still be what is considered ‘normal’. Age ranges: (LO 1.1) |Age range |Physical Development |Language | |0-1 year |Vision is fuzzy |Communicate by babbling and saying two syllable words like | | |Try to grab if they sense something in the palm of their hand |‘mama’ and ‘dada’ and copies†¦show more content†¦| | | |Should be able to recount a story that they have read | |7 years |throw, kick and control a ball, hop and ride a bicycle |Should have mastered the consonants s-z, r, th, ch, wh, and | | |dress themselves |the soft g sounds like J. | | | |Should handle opposites eg girl-boy, blunt-sharp, short-long,| | | |sweet-sour, etc | |8-12 Years |Children are becoming increasingly adept at sports |Can explain detailed accounts of events | | |Handwriting becomes less of an effort and more fluid |Ps and Qs are present in his speech in the right time | | | |Can have a conversation at near adult level | | | |Children at the higher age limit use and understand very | |Show MoreRelatedRate and Sequence of Development Essay3430 Words  | 14 PagesBabies are born at 40 weeks. 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