Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Child Development 0-19 Yrs - 6074 Words

Time line of physical and language development of children from 0-19yrs age: The table presents an overview of child development from birth to nineteen years of age. The time frames are averages and children may achieve the developmental milestones earlier or later but still be what is considered ‘normal’. Age ranges: (LO 1.1) |Age range |Physical Development |Language | |0-1 year |Vision is fuzzy |Communicate by babbling and saying two syllable words like | | |Try to grab if they sense something in the palm of their hand |‘mama’ and ‘dada’ and copies†¦show more content†¦| | | |Should be able to recount a story that they have read | |7 years |throw, kick and control a ball, hop and ride a bicycle |Should have mastered the consonants s-z, r, th, ch, wh, and | | |dress themselves |the soft g sounds like J. | | | |Should handle opposites eg girl-boy, blunt-sharp, short-long,| | | |sweet-sour, etc | |8-12 Years |Children are becoming increasingly adept at sports |Can explain detailed accounts of events | | |Handwriting becomes less of an effort and more fluid |Ps and Qs are present in his speech in the right time | | | |Can have a conversation at near adult level | | | |Children at the higher age limit use and understand very | |Show MoreRelatedRate and Sequence of Development Essay3430 Words   |  14 PagesBabies are born at 40 weeks. 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